Hi, Mr. Mud,
I disagree... from a couple of standpoints. First off, I don't think it's proper to try to manage people's areas of interest in discussion... and I don't think it's practical, either. I can't speak for anyone else, but I know for myself that when I've made a significant emotional investment in something or someone (even if it's an online message board), there's nothing utilitarian about it. In fact, it seems like an oxymoron to me... to try to make an emotional survival board serve a certain utility; and who would determine exactly what that utility should be? Not I !! There are plenty of discussions here in which I have no personal interest, but I wouldn't feel entitled to tell the parties involved that they should be talking about something more useful.
Since I don't know where they are (emotionally) and because I haven't walked in their shoes, how do I know what is useful for them? I don't.
That's all, Mud... just my view.