Dear Beth and Leah,
I can relate! I have grown to feel that I've got to be prepared to face the consequences of posting private details about my life in public. If I'm not ready to have that information used to harm me, I'm not ready to post it any more.
When I was much younger, I'd post everything!!! I was never hurt by forum members, (maybe annoyed sometimes though, lol) but the information is on public record. Many years later- like 5, I think, an N I was dating got up in the middle of the night, and logged into all the forums I was a member of. He read my entire history of pain, struggle, and heart ache, and he twisted it all around in the most negative light imaginable, and (to paraphrase) told me that I deserved all the pain because I was so worthless. It was like handling all my triggers over to an an N, and he used that information to hurt and control me. It scared me, experiencing it. I'm a more private person now, although I feel safe here. Its odd.
X Bella
Dear Bella,
That must have been horrendous and devastating, it was extreme twistedness and cruelty. That's why I pulled my childhood life story, it was never written for 'twisted' purposes.
It must have felt so scary for you, as it was an invasion of your innermost soul, thoughts and being, as a person.
That's why I recommend to everyone I come into contact with who uses support forums/boards, and/or googles, reads information, and suchlike; always clear ones history, and also, ones temporary internet files, before shutting down your computer. And keep it to oneself as to any support forum/board that one is using as it is ones own private place (for safety purposes).
But, he got up in the middle of the night and sneakily sought out all your personal sites and read all your postings ..... that is so premeditated.
And a huge betrayal of trust too.
The games some people play are so awful, and so alien to us.
Love, Leah