I am sad, Whistler, that you are not staying. The decision does not have to be in "stone", you know. People come and go all the time ,and there is nothing to feel 'funny" about if you come back.
I am heartsick that you were hurt . I know when I was new, I was very sensitive. My heart used to beat fast , when I wrote a thread .
After you stay for a while, you naigate your way . .This group is like life.. Maybe,all groups are. There is much good ,but painful things happen to many of us here.However, they would happen in "any "setting with people. All settings have people(lol)
Consider coming back.! I thought that you had so much to offer and vice---versa.Many, many people say goodbye and are back shortly after. There is NOTHING to be ashamed of. The board has a combined intelligence and wisdom that can't be found anywhere(IMO). Warmly Ami