I have done what many people ,on the board and in life, have done. I have used outside circumstances and "substances" to fill me up.
It doesn't matter WHAT the substance is,it is the process of trying to "medicate" pain ,which is the issue.
The pain is probably shame, guilt, feeling unworthy, "bad", not able to cope, not able to find your voice,not able to hold your own, anger, fear, etc
All these emotions are hard. It is easier(short term) to push them down with an addiction. However,it is a "finger in the dyke",not a true solution.
What is the true solution.? I have come to the point, after much distress, of having to accept myself ,no matter HOW "bad" I might be. My M told me that I was "bad". Well, even if I AM, I still have to accept it and go forward. I will try to have integrity,as I go forward. I will try to do as my GM told me,"Act like a lady." That advice will get you through most everything,in pretty good shape.
I think about what my GM valued---courage,loyalty, fidelity,all those 'old fashioned' values. To her, they really "meant" s/thing. They were "beyond words".I guess that these ideals were "decisions"--not feelings---Right? My M threw all of that away and wanted to do her "own thing"-----N style.
I never could" really " follow my M ---Thank Goodness.
I just have to find the "me" that exists when no one is there. Does anyone relate? Ami