By Sister Renee
If you have been raised to be a people-pleaser, learning to say no is a big step on the road to independent adulthood. Even though it will be uncomfortable for you at first, because it goes against everything that has been ingrained in you since childhood, you will be very pleased with the end result.
There are 10 simple steps to learning to say No:
1. SEPARATE EMOTIONALLY FROM OTHERS. Acknowledge that you are not a clone of your mother, sister, etc. You are you. You do not have to see things as others do. You are your own person, with your own opinions, feelings, desires, needs, etc. What is good or acceptable to someone else doesnt have to be good or acceptable to you. What is right for someone else is not necessarily right for you.
2. SEE YOURSELF AS EQUAL TO OTHER ADULTS, including your parents. Your opinions, feelings, desires, and needs may be different from theirs, but they are just as valid. You are not in a one-down position from another adult, you are their equal. You do not obey another adult. You may choose to honor a request out of love and respect, but you do not take orders. You are not under the dominion of any man or woman. You only obey God. In Galatians 4:1-7, we are told that children are only under the authority of their parents until they become adults, after that, they are Gods children, and no one elses.
3. LEARN TO LIVE WITH THE FACT THAT NOT EVERYONE IS GOING TO LIKE YOU ALL OF THE TIME, AND EVERYBODY DOESNT NEED TO AGREE WITH YOUR DECISIONS. Youve heard that You cant please everyone, and When you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one. Adults make their own decisions and run their own lives. As long as you are not disregarding others rights or intentionally hurting others, if someone chooses to be upset with your decision, then he has to take ownership of his own feelings. You are not causing him to feel angry, hurt, or upset by making your own decisions. It is not your job to make him feel better by compromising your own feelings. If, as a result of no longer being able to pressure, control, or manipulate you, he finds himself having inappropriate reactions or feelings, then he needs to deal with them, perhaps with the help of a therapist.
4. EXPRESS YOUR OPINIONS. This will help others stop seeing you as a quiet,complacent, sort-of-invisible person, who is always perfectly happy to go along with the crowd. Voice your opinions about current events, for instance, or a new movie, or a local politician. Take an active part in the conversation. Dont be afraid to say Thats just the way I feel or Because I dont like it. Start, in a small way, to make your presence known.
5. PRACTICE CHALLENGING AUTHORITY. If you notice a discrepancy in a credit card bill, for instance, dont write a letter. First call the company and speak to someone in person, then follow-up with a letter. If you are unhappy with the service in a store, dont write a letter- speak to the manager in person. If possible, practice dealing with people face-to-face, rather than on the telephone. If your child is having a problem at school, speak to her teacher, and the principal too, if necessary, and make your expectations clear. Politically, socially, and regarding religion, practice standing up for what you believe is right, even if it is not the popular viewpoint, or the politically-correct stance.
6. ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT. Speak up if you want something. Stop thinking you have no right to ask for what you want. This means anything from Id like an ice-cream cone to I want to go to Bermuda for vacation this year, to I want you to call first before just dropping over. This is another way to make your presence known, and show others that you, too, have expectations.
7. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. For some of us, the word No is literally the hardest word to get to come out of our mouths. It is even harder to say No without explaining why not, or defending your decision. Your controlling relative will have an answer for every reason you have for saying no to her. It is better if you do not give a reason, other than Because I dont want to or Because I dont feel like it. If you explain why, you are giving her something to argue about. If you try to justify your position, you are allowing her to put you on the defensive. You basically just have to say No, Im not going to do that, or No, thats not going to work for me, or No, thats not what I want.
Start by practicing these sentences at home by yourself, while looking in the mirror. Try to keep a pleasant, but detached expression on your face. Practice over and over again, until your facial expressions do not show any feelings of discomfort or stress. Practice until it becomes easy to say these words without actually feeling discomfort or stress.
8. SAY NO TO SMALL REQUESTS. The best place to start is with requests from strangers. This may seem impolite at first, but if you need the practice, you could start by saying No to someone who wants to cut ahead of you in line at the store. You might say Sorry, Im in a hurry, too. You can say No to someone who is asking for a donation to a charity youre not interested in supporting. You can say No, thanks, Im not interested to a salesman who is trying to sell you something, or No, and please remove me from your list, to a telemarketer. As you become more accustomed to hearing these words come out of your mouth, you will become more comfortable saying them, and they will start to become second nature.
9. SAY NO TO FAMILY MEMBERS AND PEOPLE YOU KNOW. Remember not to defend, explain, or justify. Practice making No or Ill have to think about it your first response, instead of an automatic Yes or Okay. This is a way of buying time when you get caught off guard by a request. Then you really can think it over, and you can always agree to the request at a later time if you change your mind. If someone pressures you for an immediate answer, you can say Well, if you need an answer right away, then as of right now, Id have to say No. It is perfectly reasonable for you to expect time to think something over before agreeing to it. It is also perfectly okay to just say No if you dont want to do something.
10. BE READY FOR THE REACTION TO YOUR NO. After all, your relatives are not used to hearing No from you. This is a new experience for them. Its going to take a while for them to adjust to the new you. In the meantime, you can expect them to protest. They may react with anger, disbelief, pouting, more pressure, or by laying on the guilt. Be ready to stand firm. You need to respond in a way that says that although you hear and understand them, you are not going to back down from your position. 'No' means NO, and if you say it and then cave in at the first protest, your 'no' will never be taken seriously. Some possible responses from you might be: Im sorry you feel disappointed. Thats not my intention.
Ive made up my mind.
Im sorry you feel that way, but Im still going to________.
Im sorry that you feel hurt, but I need to do whats best for me
The decision is made. Its really not negotiable
Yelling (or crying) may have worked in the past, but it doesnt work any longer.
Pouting is not going to make me change my mind.
I am not going to discuss this with you if you are going to raise your voice. We can talk about it again when you are ready to address me in a respectful manner.
Remember, great journeys begin with one small step. In the journey to independent adulthood, learning to say No is that small, but necessary step. God bless you, sister, in your journey.
Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave, though he is master of all, but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father.
Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world. But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, Abba, Father! Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. But then, indeed, when you did not know God, you served those which by nature are not gods. But now after you have known God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggardly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage?....Galatians 4:1-9 NKJV
So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman but of the free
.Galatians 4:31 NKJV
Blessing unto you