Author Topic: Need help... N roomie is difficult  (Read 6718 times)


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Need help... N roomie is difficult
« on: January 08, 2008, 05:05:27 PM »
Hi Everyone,

It has been a short while since I have posted here -- I perceived a coldness from many here towards me the last time I was posting and my T told me that I need to stay away from hostility. Hostility and me tend to gravitate towards one another -- I'll feed off the negativity and then unconsciously create it too. This board taught me that and has helped me become more aware.

Hopefully, all is in the past will be forgotten and I can move on here with the new growth and strength that I have found recently. I'm still working to face my aloneness and feelings from when I was neglected due to my parents fighting with each other when I was young. If I feel this board is getting hostile then I will quietly step back and stop reading and posting again.

Right now I have struggling with a roommate that has been cold and covertly hostile to me. I have a beautiful apartment with 4 bedrooms. One of my roommates has lived with me for about 3 years - she is great. One suffers from paranoia and is moving because she thinks all of the other roommates are out to get her. At present, I'm looking for a new roomie to take her room.

The other roommate Jess, who I am struggling with, moved in last year.

My house rules are no men sleepovers, no drugs and no senseless gossiping about other roommates. I figure that if I get a good person then there is no need to express the importance of common sense and consideracy. For the most part my roommates have been very nice in the last 5 years. But lately, in the last year and 1/2 my roommates have been cold. I wonder, could it be that I am attracting N's into my life at time when some of the old pain and memories from my own N mom are coming up?

When potential N roomie, Jess, moved in last year she went to another roomie, who was moving out, and asked her about bills and if I ever show the actual bills to the roommates rather than just asking for the amount. (I show them if they ask me).  It was not that big of a deal but it did show me that Jess was potentially not trustworthy and I did ask her why she did not come to me directly. She made excuses and rationalized -- I let it go and make sure I always attach bills when asking for the money.

The next bit of tension came about a month after her move in; I moved a box of kitchen stuff that she had lying on the living room floor for over a month. I put it away in the kitchen, it was not that much just three appliances.

She then came knocking on my bedroom door that night to confront me with a cold contemptuous attitude she said please do not ever touch my stuff again and then she abruptly turned away and left me standing there feeling really ashamed even though I thought that I was helping her by putting her stuff away. I let that one go also.

She has broken every rule since she has lived with me in the last year. She has snuck men over, the other roommates tell me, and she has gossiped about me to the other roommates in an attempt to form alliances with them like a "Real World" manipulation tactic.
All of this I let go too because I have learned over the years that roommates come and go and usually stay for about a year or two. The really good ones have stayed with me for 3 to 4 years and then got married, moved in with boyfriends or found their own apartment. I figured I would just compromise with N Jess because I sensed that if I was to express myself or feelings about her situation with me, in any way shape or form, she would get defensive and upset. I'd rather have peace or I thought so until this last year :) at least I'm working towards that now.

However, this Chirstmas, while I was a way, she emails the household and informs, does not ask, that she is having a New Years Eve party. At this point I feel that I need to use my voice and ask her to make sure the place is cleaned really well after the party and to please make sure that drunk guests do not go into the roommates bedrooms.  The main reason I had to ask her to clean up was because she normally leaves a mess when she does entertain and I felt that it was important for my sanity to speak up. I did not want to return on New Years day to a big mess. This was reasonable of me and my motives were not to make her feel bad but as I said to use my voice and stand up for myself.

When I returned from my trip Jess got defensive and started a dramatic argument, criticizing me and telling me to not speak to her about my feelings. I told her that if she is not comfortable with my expression of feelings then she can move out and find a place that she will be more comfortable. She suddenly started crying and saying that she loves her room and love the apartment. I said, "OK stay then" -- I was feeling bad. I told her to figure out what she needed and wanted and to tell me with out being demeaning or playing games. She said she would but I do not trust her. 

She is away for the next two weeks but I think I am going to struggle with this until she does finally move out.

Just read about coping with N's again.

I want to stop attracting N's into my life, no more N's, they are so damn frustrating!


« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 05:13:44 PM by Gabben »


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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2008, 05:43:23 PM »
Welcome Back Sweetie,
  Jess seems like she will never get "better" in the sense of being a "good roomate". I think that "what you see is what you get." So, I would make whatever decision you need to ,with that in mind. That is how I read it anyway.
  So happy to "see" you, again.    Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2008, 05:49:52 PM »
Thank you for that warm welcome Ami...I really needed that.
I missed you too.



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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2008, 05:52:53 PM »
OHHHHHHHH!                   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2008, 06:07:28 PM »
Yes, you are correct Ami -- What I see is what I get with her. Selfish, manipulative and devious. She plays all of the manipulators tricks and then turns around and lies about all.

Jess said that she will move out (we keep going back and forth about it). I have stuck to the decision to just ask her to consider moving at her convenience in the next few months. I do not want to be a bully type who forces anyone out of a home. But I do feel very uncomfortable with her hostility. She vacillates between being nice and then trying to intimidate me. I feel like I am just along for the ride in her life, an object with no feelings or needs that she can use and abuse. She is cold when she is unhappy with me which is most of the time for no good reason and then she warm but only when she needs something.

I have to work really hard at not attracting N's into my life. Or at least learning how to not let them under my skin.


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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2008, 06:10:54 PM »
Dear Lise,
 I think that you need to keep in mind, at all tmes, that even if the situation gets better for a short time, it wil be "bad" in the long haul. As you navigate your way through the ups and downs, keep this in mind,and also what is your final goal? If she is very disruptive to you, you will have to have a strong resolve and ask her to go. If not, you can let her stay,but don't lie to yourself about the true "nature " of the situation(IMO)   Love    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2008, 06:20:38 PM »
it wil be "bad" in the long haul.

That is the truth. When I read the above my heart sank into a reality of truth about the situation. It will work out as long as I do the right thing, trust and search for a new roomie with a really discerning attitude.

Jess does not have a leg to stand on and she knows this. It is my place. For a while I would not put it past her to try to run me out of it. That just won't happen now though.

Bean once said that boundaries are silent and people know what they can or can't do as well as how far they can push. I have developed some really strong boundaries lately and Jess can feel it.

It will work out. Thank you for your support.



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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2008, 06:31:48 PM »

Hi Lise,
What a nice feeling I had when I saw your post. Welcome back. :)

That is the truth. When I read the above my heart sank into a reality of truth about the situation. It will work out as long as I do the right thing, trust and search for a new roomie with a really discerning attitude.

I believe you are working towards health through this decision. She sounds like she must go, for you and your own sanity. imho

You are working so hard I hope she is gone quickly as you fumigate all N's in your life.
Clear the path for you, Lise, you deserve clarity and safety along your way.  ((seasons))

Again great to have you here!
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou


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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2008, 06:38:49 PM »
Oh ((((Seasons))))!!! Thank you so much for that.

When I came back here I was afraid that others would see me or patholigize me as an abusive N or bully or something. I have always had such a low self image of me because my N mom was never there to mirror me, the real me.

But this board, with all of its good and bad, can be an insightful and helpful place and every once in awhile, people like you post encouragement and warmth.

Thank you for seeing me and acknowleding me. I hope that I can be there for you one day.

Peace to you seasons, you are such a gentle and warm spirit.



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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2008, 09:09:51 PM »
Glad to see you back, Lise! Sorry for your roomate problem, but it sure sounds like you have a pretty good handle on it. I bet you won't let it happen again.

Certain Hope

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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2008, 10:25:23 PM »
Oh, my, Lise...

After reading all of this, I think Bean is absolutely correct: a simple "it's not working out", along with a very firm deadline by which she must vacate the premises... sounds like the wisest option to me.

Any attempt at explanation will likely begin another round of badgering, tears, manipulation, etc.... and the bottom line to me is - you deserve to have someone you trust living in your home, not a person who thinks nothing of lying at every opportunity.
It is, after all, your home... your place of solace and security and comfort.

With love,


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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2008, 10:26:51 PM »
Thank you Bean!!

Good to be back - I missed you.

A while back, when I left the board, I just was not strong enough to cope with the board and I was not sure if I would ever be at that time. But I have grown some...and now I realize that people can only push my buttons if I let them :D.

The board has helped me to know myself and see myself so that when others try to derail me, like my toxic roommate, I can stand strong and not react.

I wrote Jess an email an told her to "please consider what she said about moving on the 15th of Feb." I told her that she will be happier if she lives with someone more her personality type and lifestyle. Now I am just hoping that she follows through and moves. I'll keep you posted.

You are right, it is bordering on traumatic for me to have to ask someone to move. That is why I came back here for support. Roommates can be touch to deal with.

Good to hear from you Bean I look forward to continuing the journey of healing and self discovery with you and the supportive others here.

Lise (((BEAN)))


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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2008, 10:31:03 PM »
Thank you alone48 for your warm welcome back to the board.




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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2008, 10:34:26 PM »
Oh, my, Lise...

After reading all of this, I think Bean is absolutely correct: a simple "it's not working out", along with a very firm deadline by which she must vacate the premises... sounds like the wisest option to me.

Any attempt at explanation will likely begin another round of badgering, tears, manipulation, etc.... and the bottom line to me is - you deserve to have someone you trust living in your home, not a person who thinks nothing of lying at every opportunity.
It is, after all, your home... your place of solace and security and comfort.

With love,

Thank you Carolyn for your supportive words, this is exactly what I needed to hear. I have been a pushover and doormat for so much of my life - I am and have been easy target for the bullies. So your encouragement hits home with me. I tell myself that she will label me the bully or mean one if I try to be firm and tell her to leave, which I have already done. So now I am just dealing with the feelings and your words made a difference.

Thank you so much for your post.



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Re: Need help... N roomie is difficult
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2008, 02:55:50 AM »
Lise, I have similar problems with letting people into my space and I have decided that the Narc, my son, who is sponging off me has to go. I am about to give up my house, I can't afford the continual rate hikes, and especially not when my newly qualified apprentice son thinks he should be allowed to live all privileges free in this home, admittedly there are no girls, and no parties but it is the attitude that pervades that gets under my skin. I will be selling my house and my son has been told that this is what I am doing and I am retiring. I will be 59 in May. I might have to wait until next year to get the government pension but in the meantime, I am starting to contemplate downsizing so I don't have to put up with anyone other than myself to deal with. I find it is the only way. We have been so badly damaged that we have to have total control of our environment. At least, that is the way I see it.
