Ah Leah...you mean the stuff that televison sit-coms are made of!
i'll show what I mean:
Get you what you want from others even when the others are not willing initially to give it to you.
sister: "no! it's MY cereal...you go get your own"
brother: "oh my gosh! LOOK!"
sister: (turns head toward doorway where brother is pointing) "WHAT?"
brother: (grabs cereal bowl from sister and starting to eat from it)
sister: "HEY!"
brother: "awwww, thank you so much for the cereal, sis"
(generally, on a sit com, this is responded to with laughter. In real life it is rude and mean!)
Make it seem to others that they have come up with an idea or offer of help on their own when in reality you have worked on them to promote this idea or need for help for your own benefit.
Madge: "Wow, Deena, look at this new fall line-up. I think you'd look adorable in that red velvet dress. Don't you
Deena: "i don't really care for it myself"
Madge: (ignoring Deena's preference) "Oh and it zips up the back with little bows near the hips..."
Deena: "uh huh, but it's not for me"
(the night comes for the mutual banquet and Madge hands Deena the red velvet dress), "oh Deena, you made such a perfect choice!"
Deena: "huh?"
Dishonestly get people to do or act in a way which they might not have freely chosen on their own.
Mitch, a little innocent boy who just wants to mind his own business and learn at school, is approached by a bully.
Bully: "hey butthead! Gimmee your sandwich!"
Mitch: "but it's MINE"
Bully: (makes a ominous fist in MItches face) "but you WANT to give it to ME, riiiiiiiiiiiight?"
Mitch: "oh yeah, right" (hands over sandwich to bully)
"Con'' people to believe what you want them to believe as true.
This can be seen in situations where a guy marries a bunch of women in other countries or states, but tells each one when he's with them "you're the ONLY one for me!"
Present reality the way you want others to see it rather than the way it "really is.''
This actually HAPPENED to my eldest daughter. her teacher told the class to put their heads down. Instead of doing so, my daughter, who was very active, was looking around the room still. The teacher came over, forced her head down and the pencil my daughter was holding, put a small hole in her nostril. When I went to school with Carol to confront the teacher, the teacher looked at Carol and said "that never HAPPENED DID it, Carol?" Carol, having a mother who taught her to have her own mind, refused to agree...but you see how that worked.
Make other people feel sorry for you even though it would be better for them to make you accept your personal responsibility for your own actions.
addicts are great at this one.
Involve everyone in your life's problems so that you do not have to face the problems alone.
do any of US on Vboard do this I wonder?
Make others feel guilty or responsible for actions or thoughts which are yours alone.
A mother spills her drink and says to child "now LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!"
Get others to feel like they are responsible for your welfare so that you do not have to make a decision or take responsibility for anything that goes wrong in your life.
I"m about to deal with such a situation tonight with my friend's housemate issue.
Maybe those are some helpful mental pictures to show what is involved in manipulation.