Author Topic: Question for the board, including Lupita  (Read 2494 times)


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Re: Question for the board, including Lupita
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2008, 10:29:22 PM »
Oh to dream!!

1. certainly give 20% to charity and medical research, preferably breast cancer.
2. Help my friends and family
3. Take as many people that could go (of close friends and family) on a cruise or dream vacation
4. put $$ away for grandkids education.
5. take myself to a health farm/ranch/spa.

In reference to #2
I use to think about this when I was younger and I would have such control on how I gave $$ away, now just set an amount an hopefully they enjoy or use it wisely.


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Re: Question for the board, including Lupita
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2008, 10:02:15 AM »
I think that putting 3M in an investment plan.... living off the interest and continueing to do ongoing good works in the community would be a good plan. 

Giving ourselves permission to do whatever with the first 2M seems like a good plan.... as long as we didn't screw anyone up too badly doing it.

I'll repeat what I said earlier..... I heard an estate planner say it, in reference to writing a will with children in mind.

"The trick is to give them enough that they can do anything..... and not do nothing."

I think that applies to ourselves as well.