Gab, thank you for considering me in your prayers
Izzy, actually my 13 year old prefers to cook the meals, by her own choice. She and i share laundry duty. No, I'll do my "duties" but there won't be an emotional "giving" on my end anymore, as far as sexually. I'm tired of feeling used when it suits him, and then he just pretends, right after I express my upset, that everything is totally normal.
I'm not playing the fantasy game with him and them anymore. THey can live in their pseudo world and I'll take care of my real-life responsibilities. If there are issues to deal with, a proper, normal, healthy response on his end, could have been "oh gosh, honey. I see you are upset. I think we need to make some changes and talk about this more." but noooooooooooo, his response was to roll his eyes, shake his head "no" repeatedly, as if to say "I don't believe this! she is such a drama queen" and to just sit there, saying "huh? I don't understand what you mean" after i rEPEATEDLY SPELLED OUT WHAT I MEANT!
It's like someone saying "I need you to call me at 8, ok?"
Response: "huh?"
Again, "I need you to call me at 8, ok?"
Response: (stares out the window, rolling eyes, thinking oh brother)
Again, "are you LISTENING TO ME?"
Response: "i heard you. What you getting so upset about? calm down, dear"
Again, "so what time do I need you to call me?"
Response: "huh? call you? you didn't say anything about that"
Again, "Yes i did, I told you I need you to call me at 8"
Response: "I don't understand what you're talking about"
THAT IS PRETTY MUCH EVERY SINGLE CONVERSATION WITH MY HUSBAND! The man is mentally not "all there" and after 20 years of living with this, it is EXTREMELY exhausting and irritating and yes, I just wanted someone to say "AWWWWWW POOR YOU" you were right, and thank you to anyone who did, cause yes, I'm strong, but even a strong, healthy human, can go crazy with enough gaslighting and unhealthy sociology in their lives.