Lighter, no disrepect received from your inquiry. Let me tell you something about me. As bold as i am on the board, I'm that way in person too. I am a law-abiding citizen, which means, although I homeschool in a state where nobody has to ever report that they are doing it, I have always registered with my superintendent.
If I do anything against the law, I will turn MYSELF in
the one time my spank became a punch with my eldest daughter, I stopped myself, ran into the bedroom, grabbed the phone and REPORTED MYSELF FOR CHILD ABUSE.
So, no, i'd have no issue with the government monitoring my home. I have nothing to hide and I do not abuse my children. Plus, perhaps they'd urge my husband to go get a proper evaluation.
I also have no shame about calling the police on my daughter and no. the neighbors have never reported us for any sort of abuse against each other. They have, however, reported every time my dogs got loose, which racked up a hefty fine and a few court situations.
I hope that reassures you that I am totally FOR government intervention in ALL abuse cases.