Dear Amber,
Wanted to let you know that I've read your most recent installment on the story board... and you've really
got me thinking about *righteous anger* and how that fits into the context of our lives.
I'm just at the edge of something here, but hoping to piece it together.
It's not about forgiveness, even...
not if there's even the smallest part of us which interprets forgiveness as meaning that whatever wounded us
"really wasn't that bad".
What you wrote about allowing Twiggy to remain angry indefinitely about the specific instance of not being believed...
oh yes, that is worthy of anger. Righteous anger at such deep injustice. Keeping it focused where it belongs, and in the light of day,
defuses that anger's ability to distort current perceptions. I SO see the value of that.
And I wanted to tell you something I realized today, about my own little Twiggy who still stamps her foot on occasion.
It's about the smoking... and for whatever reason, I thought a bit wistfully about it today... and then immediately remembered
how bad my lungs felt while I smoked... and yet... for a minute, there was anger, but more to the tune of, "But why can't I smoke and still
breathe so easily as I can now, without it?!!" In other words, "Why do I have to keep giving up all this stuff... no fair."
Yeah. OY.
So yes, that's just a small thing, but then here I was reading what you posted today, and thinking - okay, my own little Twiggy, go ahead
and stomp your foot if you must, be we are NOT smoking again, because the fact is, it IS bad for us, and we enjoy feeling better and more energetic.
And besides... I'm the boss now

Tee Hee!

I hope you'll post more when you can about the road ahead!
With great appreciation and love,