A woman came to see my place last night. She was "too" warm and friendly from the moment that she walked through the door. She actually gave me a hug when she met me and then when she left. I thought to myself "that is nice" -- so much better than my hostile roommate Jess, who as of late, has been away. The house has such a wonderfully calm and soothing presence to it without Jess's energy. She really frightens me. However, Jess was "really nice" when she first came to see the place too. Since then I have learned not to not trust people who are too much of one thing, like overly friendly.
In regards to Jess, it is amazing to be on the other side of repressed anger, or out of denial of my anger. I can see others, like jess, who are carring rage and old hurt yet are not aware of it. They have no idea, like myself, how they affect others and how they come off to others. Jess is a good example of this. She seemed so sweet and shy when she first moved in but after about a month the stomping and bullying started.
I told my new spiritual director about her this weekend, I was trying to paint a really accurate honest picture of the situation without telling him anything about her, I wanted to see how he would identify her behavior. He confirmed that she is a bully. Jess has a built in nature to intimidate, perhaps it is all she has ever known as far has a way to get what she wants...
Anyway, this nice woman, who came to look at the place last night, was "too" nice. I have my eyes open now. People wearing masks of kindness seem to be my downfall.
She did not ask me a single question about myself and she seemed more interested in the house than in me. She went on and on about how wonderful the place was. When she asked me if she could move in, reaching for her check book, I was shocked, she was so pushy I thought. I was feeling like a ready made push over.
It made me wonder if manipulators will use this ploy to get what they want, perhaps they feel that if they can just push through people to get what they want?
Anyway, after she left I realized that I need to get really clear about who I want to live with me. Make a list of qualities and pray for a warm and level headed person.
Thanks for listening...