Just curious about what you think of this email. This is the mom talking about her daughter. The daughter was removed from the home when she called my daughter and told her she was going to kill herself. My daughter called for help and the state removed the daughter from her home. The daughter cut herself with knives. For years the daughter was told she was fat, stupid, etc. The daughter is now living with her aunt... who was originally married to her father. That's why she said her sister was trying to get back at her.
I was thinking about what u said about amy and I know she needs help, for
long time nowwwww.. We tried, she refused. she should be on meds, she
refuses,she needs to wear her glasses she dont..
We went to the state for help,got nothing, there is nothing we can do. Our hands
are tied..she too close to 18, there is nothing I can do, she wont listen to me
, dont even want to talk to me. I cant keep torturing myself over and over again
over her. And yesssss I do care. I just try to protect myself from her hateful
Right now, shell say anything and do anyting to hurt us.
Shes not rational. She wanted out, so now she has what she wants, shes out..
Susie is her mom now, she calls her mom, and susie thinks she is... its whats
she always wanted anyway., to get back to me for marrying John.
IN TWO years, she has never written me or anything.
The past 2 years have been hell for all of us, between dad and her, its just too
much... I have two other kids to think of too.
I am mad as hell right now with her and I dont want to talk to her untill she
apoligizes to me the awful stuff she did and said.
I tried to straighten things out with her before she left, did no good. She lied
to me over and over again and to my sister and brother, They have seen the other
side of her finally. I cant sit by and watch her destroy her life.
Took her to thearpy, that was waste of time.. she refused and quit going.
I cant make her do anything.
My thearpist said to just let her be and stay with my sis. Try to help myself
instead, since she dont want any. Thats what ive been tryin to do.. Thats why im
takin these medications. Without them I'd probably be dead by now. Im scared of
her actually, cause I know she will try to hurt me again probably, and I cant
let thaat happen.
If I do, ill go crazy. I beat myself up enough as it is.. I just cant take it.
Maybe when she older, and more sensible, then maybe, I dont know. I was tired of
tryin and im just not going to go thru it again. now, She'll have to make the
first step, if there ever is one.
Yes, I think about her I worry to death to the point im sick ...i take the
sleepin pills so I wont think and worry bout her...so I can sleep. Shes with the
ppl she wants to be with for now. So, she should be happy.
If she has problems then, susie with handle her, shes in her custody anyway.
I just rather not talk about her anymore. Ill probably be up half the night now
thinking bout this now. I feel the less I know or talk to her , the better I
will feel and stay sain right now.
WEll, thats if for now.
Oh, Ill be sending birthday cards for sandy and mike next month so check u po
box, IF u still have it..
Chow for now.