Thank you, Sela! Those words mean a lot.
I just have to write down my feelings. I feel so much shame . I know that Scott is in Heaven. I have a peace about this. Tomorrow,I may lose it when I see all the kids, teachers , etc.. I feel a "shame " about how I will handle it. Will I freak out and run out of the room?. Will I get sick? What will I do ,in front of a roomful of people to "humiliate " myself?I don't know and I feel afraid.It may sound silly and BE silly,but this is how I feel.
However,I do have a "joy" about Scott . Today, my neighbor told me that Scott was God's kid more than mine and God could love him MUCH better than I could and God was doing it right,now.
I really just want everyone to go AWAY so I can grieve. I want to sit in his room ,with his things and cry,finally, without thinking that people are looking at me or I have to hold it in ,or anything ,really. I don't want to be looked at and this is "shame". I just want to go in to a dark hole and be alone.The problem is I wanted to go in a dark hole and be alone BEFORE this happened, too.
This sounds bad ,but I feel so afraid of people looking at me tomorrow .
I know that people will be looking at me and wondering what I will do--collapse, etc.
I feel so much shame about caring so much and so much shame ,in general, about being "looked at". I am just saying it b/c I neeed to put ,my emotions ,out there( the opposite of shame)
I really see that I am 'coreless" in the way that I feel defined by the outside. I get stomach aches when I feel coreless, as I do now,in anticipation of going to the funeral.
My own issues are tormenting me ,tonight. I guess it is normal to not "want to be seen", especially if you are full of shame ,to begin with.
If my friend had not helped me to get rid of SOME of the shame, I think that I could not handle any of this, as well as I of my friends said that he would drive me home,if I needed it.
I equate "people" with feeling shame. There may be hundreds of people ,tomorrow. We have lived in the same place for over 20 years--a relatively small place..I am just dreading being "looked at', even though this sounds selfish and horrible to say. I am. That is the truth of it.
I wish that I could write enough to feel better,but I can't.
If any of this sounds 'off', I am open to suggestions.i know that I may sound a little demented. I feel that way,so I bet that I sound that way, too. Maybe if Scott was willing to "look bad" as I am, he could have stayed alive.
So, honestly, loving suggestions are very welcome. Ami