I did it- I signed up with eharmony!
Decided that will be a way to cope at an emotional distance with the whole feeling a bit superficial/judged superficially aspect of the dating thing until i get the hang of it- what i am doing so far of attaching to someone before I know them properly isn't working. I'll just do loads of unrequited love affairs and repeat my ex-relationship or some aspects of it I think....
Anyway we'll see, maybe I just need to go out a few times and practise relaxing and being myself!
This is a step outside the usual for me, but I just read a book called 'Dealbreakers' and they recommend breaking habits and patterns- meet some different men than your usual pattern and see how it feels.
Hops recommended a book ages ago called 'Escape from Intimacy' which said the same.
I attach too easily...I make myself vulnerable to men who act out.