I had another clue as to why I punish myself. I am punishing myself for not being "perfect".
I used to be able to be mediocre . What I valued MOST was being connected to myself . . If I felt s/thing "unacceptable", I figured that others did ,too.
Now,I see how I could be victimized. I had to hate myself ,first.
I let myself AND other people take my imperfect traits and beat me over the head with them.
Scott had so many gifts,but he was not perfect. He thought he was "boring" even though he had so many friends who loved him. I read a letter that a girl wrote to him. She said,
WHY, Scott?Coldn't you have told anyone how you felt?"
He couldn't be perfect.----so many lies and distortions.
I hated myself and turned on myself b/c I thought I was "bad. It was human.It is the stuff from which humor is made. The definition of humor is that "life(human beings) simply does not work. It does not live up to our expectations.That is what becomes funny--the difference between what we expect and what is.
My whole life was one of punishing myself---throwing meat to the gods b/c I was not perfect. It was pride all the time.
I felt like I did not deserve to enjoy the things I love---music, nature, etc.
I need to take in all the beauty ,now. I need to feed it to my senses b/c it is OK to do that. Nothing bad will happen,as I thought it would.I was trying to keep s/thing "bad", at bay, by punishing myself. I don't know what exactly,but I was afraid to feel good, whole, confident, alive. I guess I was trying to hurt myself before my M did. Now, that pattern is over. My M wants the best for me, so why hang on to the old ,worn out patterns?
If I love myself, the other "shoe" won't drop. If I nurture myself, the other shoe won't drop.
It was all lies, and trying to control. Can anyone relate to any of this? Ami