So, how long did you stay married before you re-married?
I do believe that when it is God's will you feel peace. If you do not have peace, it is not God's will. But, God has his plans and human have plans too. Many times we do not follwo God's will.
I do not beleave that a husband who causes you distress is the will of God.
Is he a Chrsitian? Does he go to church?
The bible says that believers should not married the non believers. If we do that we get in deep trouble, because the non believer is going to bring the pleasure of the flesh (not meaning sex) and the pleasure of the flesh will bring pain of the flesh (not meaning STDs) but the pain of a person who doe snot have fear of god brings to our lives.
Proverbs 1 vers 7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and foolish dispise ...........
So, I tell my students, when you look for a boyfriend, the first thing you have to clear is if he has fear or god and if he does not let him or her GOOOOOOOOOO. But what happens, church is full of women, and very few good Chrsitians are available, and with being so picky, ...... you know the rest.
I have been alone for 17 years and I will not enage in a relationship unless I find a devoted Chrsitian, around my age, available..... in extintion species.
So, I deviated from the subject......... so, I do not believe that a distressful husband is the will or god.
Of course maybe he is a good believer and I am jumping in to conclussions, then I will apologize for that.