Thanks, GS

I feel much better now! Again, I am so glad and thankful that you asked!
Clearly, I still have a deep weakness for that old hook... wanting to be available for everyone, always, no matter what...
the old habit of trying to be a fixer. I do believe it's a prideful thing, partly... almost like wanting to be indispensable. That's how my mother is... and I've come to understand that's why she never really wanted me to learn to care for myself.. or even for my own children. The moment she finds that she is not indispensable, she wants no more to do with you...
but if you'll allow her to think you cannot possibly manage on your own, she'll step in and take over.
All of that is tied into this for me... along with my past running away from situations where I felt either overwhelmed or irrelevant. Oh, that balance is hard coming!