Dear (((( Ami ))))
GS has mentioned magnesium, and salt baths, which is absolutely superb, for Adrenal Fatigue, the fatigue that comes with shock, and the stress to the body, from shock.
I still enjoy a wonderful magnesium salt bath with rose petals, which is ever so soothing and relaxing.
Lupita has mentioned Chamomile Tea, which is excellent.
All I did was drink Herbal Teas, which soothed and calmed. There is an excellent Herbal Tea, called 'Night Time', which was a wonderful natural herbal aid for restful sleep, along with, as you say, prayer, and meditation on the word, which fills you with real comfort, for rest.
Be kind to yourself, be still, and rest.
Love to you,
Walks in the fresh air helps to rest and sleep,
maybe your sweet little dog may enjoy being with you on a walk.
Dear Leah,
I wanted to tell you about the spiritual healing I had last night.
Yesteday, we went to the Messianic Synagogue. I did not want to go, but made myself. I realize that I do need to force myself to take in spiritual things b/c they will provide the ultimate healing.
There was a guest rabbi and he was talking about eternal life.He said that eternal life was your most important decision on this earth. He said that as long as you had eternal life, your length of days here was secondary.He was very "real" and had a wonderful spirit. .
Later that night,I was walking Mimi. I felt the old feelings like I was worthless and "bad" and why even TRY to heal, just go "down". Then, I realized,in my'" heart", for the first time, what a price God paid for me, how God loved me and it was a direct slap in God's "face" for me to contradict Him by hating myself.
I got a peace. Why would God have gone through all that suffering for me IF I was worthless?I knew it ,in the head, before ,but NOT in the heart.Last night, I got it in the '"heart".
I feel differently,now. Whenever,I feel like I am "bad",I need to see that God sees me as valuable. He is the ultimate judge of our value.
Leah, I have been sleeping with Mimi. I open the windows, put on lots of blankets and that sweet, warm body curls up next to me. Henrietta(Standard Poodle) is to old to get on the bed.
A dog is so comforting when you are upset. When you feel their breathing, there seems to be an order to the world.
Mimi bores in,next to my body, and I feel her there all night.
Leah----Perfect love casts out Fear. I am meditating on the verse b/c it holds life for me----for my own deep healing and for the pain of Scott. Thank you for all the love you have given me, Leah. Ami