This thread has done me a lot of good actually even if it is old.
Of course, for years I thought something was wrong with me for I have been told all my life this everytime I did something for myself without asking permission first, first by mother, then x husband who was doing this to control my finances. I divorced him finally after waking up and that is finally history as of one year ago. But, right after that, I started traveling a bit in order to heal, something mother could not handle for she was not in control of me. So, she started again with the be-littling comments of old but this time I recognized them for what they are. But, it has been hard putting up the mirror shield, for I have never done this before with her. But it is getting easier to do so. And I am motivated beyond belief!!!!!!!
She is a master at passive manipulation. Keeps telling me when she feels insecure that there is something wrong with my thyroid, my weight, my faith, my choice of clothes, my house is not decorated right, etc. Just name it and there has been a comment. She says she tells me these things because she knows I would like to know when it is not right! LOL I have had thyroid tested even and it is working fine, thank you! My home is in shades of white, green and blue, which is nice, and my religion is rather on the mystical side of Christianity, something she cannot relate to at all. She holds money inheritance over our heads in very passive ways, for instance saying, "Inheritance is a priviledge not a right of birth so it is best not to stray far from the family fold." But the worst thing was that she went behind my back to my adult children for 1.5 years during the horrendous divorce without me knowing it trying to put a wedge between us. The entire time she was telling me that they were drifting from me...something she wanted to happen for my father had recently died and she was trying to "attach" to them in a N way. My x did this with our daughter, not our son, for the same reason. Son, bless him, would have no part of it and now slowly the daughter is seeing things for the truth in the situation.
Probably I have talked too long, but I simply needed to vent. Just spent a week with her while she recovered from a stroke and I am about done. I shall not be with her by myself again. Just not worth it.