In truth, Leah, and in Christ, and as I told you the last time I replied to one of your posts to me, I do not feel very good after interacting with you. I will continue to search my own heart about my feelings, and in the meanwhile, that's all I have to say about it.
That is not true, and you know it, Carolyn
However, it has answered something that has been a concern.
As to you why, suddenly, you have been cold to me, after YOUR email telling me that if I were to post anything again that was incorrect on the board, then you would let me know by PM and not straight onto the board.
To which I replied, that I did not mind either way, that you could point out something Spiritually Incorrect on my part,
either out onto the Board, or by PM, as my only true concern was that I did not lead anyone astray.
In light of what you say, now, I am happy to post the PM from you, and to you, which was the last PM's either way between us, onto the board, for the sake of honesty.
I have prayed about this, as your cutting me off, puzzled me, as I did not understand why.
The Lord always brings things out into truth.
And you never ever said that to me, you may have thought it, in your defensiveness, though why that should be, was a puzzle, which I truly understand, as you shared on your thread entitled "Buzz Off!" -- though I did not know, at the time, that it was a personal thread, so I posted onto it about my parents, as for me, it was validation and enlightenment, about my parents.
So I offered it up to the Lord, that I know, in the Bible.
Remember, I never Pm'd you, it was you who iniated PMing with me, with scripture.
Your recent coldness toward me was confusing, but, I chose to understand you, with compassion.
In Christ, in truth,
PS > What confused me was, that you posting that you always felt like a whole person around me, and valued my postings, and scriptures etc.