Hi Group:
I am a several months out of a 5 year relationship with an N.
Though I would not wish to relive the experience, I am at least grateful regarding how much I learned about myself and “life” from it. Learned through a lot of deep pain, as is a given when spending time in the company of an N.
Looking forward to eventually dating someone new, I am finding myself confused over something.
I settled a lot in the relationship with N. Meaning, I turned a blind eye to red flags that I knew where red flags at the time, I took emotional treatment from him that I would never give the advice for another to take from someone, I kept going back when I should not have, etc…
I did these things because I did not want the “dream/fantasy” of him being “the one”, to die. He had a great side, and a "him" that would have existed without the Nism would have truly been a great match for me. This, plus the intermittent reinforcement he would give (approach-avoidance) reeled me in too many times.
Now I am confused regarding what is settling, versus what is something I should not accept and move on. Outright abuse as well as some other things I have learned to watch for from N are obvious, but for example, I recently began chatting with someone who has a high-ish profile in sports.
I began to think “do I really want someone where most of the conversation and life focus and planning will need to be on them, and their career to such a
large degree”?
Then, I begin to rationalize and think about all of the positive aspects: I exercise regularly as well, it would be exciting to a degree, etc.
I apologize because I don’t think I’m being clear here. I’m having difficulty explaining what my question is for some reason.
My concern, is that I will spot things that might be red flags, and keep rationalizing them away.
The crux of things is that I’m not sure when rationalizing would be legit and a good thing (because I’m being too picky & should really move forward with the person), and when rationalizing is just is me settling and ignoring red flags (where I shouldn't move forward), in hope of it being a loving and “right” relationship.Any thoughts… if anyone understood what the heck I’m asking