I loved what everyone said, and have gained some support from it as well.
Having dated someone with strong N traits in areas, I can relate to what you wrote. Wondering why and how I could have distorted reality and seen certain things as okay. I'm trying to get behind all that to the root of thinking/beliefs/fears that allowed it.
Like you, I also hid the reality from people. We live hours away from my closest friends & family, so it was easy in the practical (not emotional) sense. It was probably much harder for you, and much more stressful living this dual reality, if you and your x husband were very much part of your community amongst friends & family. This must have been so difficult and stressful for you.
At this point, almost a year out of it, I have only spoken in generalities about it, with very few friends & about two family members.
The way I see it, it is just impossible to relay all of the many intricacies of our relationship with N individuals, and why we remained in them so long,
to others. I don't even understand it all myself yet! So, on top of all else in my trying to heal, understand, and move past it, I don't want to complicate things by having to counter other's misunderstandings, deal with probing questions, or strange reactions.
For now, I have saved long discussions of the deepest truths for trusted others in a counseling environment.
Maybe someday, when I've worked it all out, I will be able to sum the whole thing up and be able to tell it in a way that others (ones I choose to discuss it with) understand quickly.
It might be different for you in terms of pressure to explain, as you say he looked like such a nice, upstanding man, and people have commented on why you haven't stayed together.
I don't think you owe any explanations, if you'd rather not, that is. You can simply say that the situation was far, far more complex than anyone realizes, and for now, it is a private issue that you are working through.
For those close to you (i.e. family) that might ask you, you can always add on to it that maybe one day you will be able to share more of the truth with them, but right now you are trying to pick up the pieces, and heal for yourself.
Hopefully, they will trust you, and be patient, and non judgemental.
What else can one do?
Unless you have a very special friend or family member that you know will not judge you, & will just listen & support you, maybe sharing it with non understanding & negative others might even impede the healing process.
"cshf" -- I wondered what that was... I think you are doing very well at it!
My thoughts are with you, and I wish you strength.