Hi all:
Thank you all for your kind thoughsts and concerns....You all offered a lot of good advice and I am trying to keep it in mind. The weird thing is that even though intellectually I understand how my voicelessness and N family issues have affected my life, emotionally I just can't seem to change how I feel.
For example, regarding the job search, believe me when I tell you it has been a nightmare. A true nightmare....But even when I get close to getting an offer (and believe me, intellectually I understand I NEED a job, any job), I just am overwhelmed with feelings of failure and loss and sadness. Because I feel so empty inside, I can't muster up any interest or excitement or hope regarding any of these positions (even though I make sure this doesn't come through in the interviews). I just feel like a total failure...I know part of that comes from my Nfamily upbringing...but it is what I struggle with.
Just as I feel I have never been and never will be good enough, I think the same way in terms of jobs. Also, because of my severe and long-term depression, I think in terms of extremes...black and white....either/or.....I know this is not good but it is how my brain works...So it is hard....because while I know most people would be jumping up and down, going out to celebrate and feeling excited about any offers that might come their way, all I can feel is failure and like I'm a loser. I think because my Nmom, Nsis and co-d dad only think in terms of how much money people make, how much fame and power they have, how big a house they have....I never fail to measure up, either to them or myself. I see that it affects everything I do....
So right now, I feel my depression deepening..my hopelessness deepening....Even if I am offered a job soon, I can't help but think "So what?"...It won't matter...it won't be what I'm interested in...and it will make me feel like more of a failure.
And like I said, I KNOW this makes no sense, has no logic. Any job is better than no job, so I'm told. But inside, I jsut can't seem to get there...
So feeling empty, sad and wanting to just curl up on a couch and never wake up.....
Sorry...wish I could report something more hopeful...or better. I wish I could change how I think....That's what I mean when I refer to the long-term and life-damaging effects of an N family.