What a blessing you are to my spirit hugs, Violet.
Your post resonated with me, you are gentle, humble and insightful, thanks.
you said:
I have been mad and distressed today, mad at God because He never gives me a break and just lets me be happy and normal, I have been mad at all the normal, happy, carefree people, mad at myself because I cannot just "get over it." In short, at least for today I am a basket case and I don't have time for all of this because I have too much to do to feel so awful....
My heart felt full of compassion for you as I read the above, I am there with you. I hope that you can give yourself a hug and let yourself release those tears that are fighting there way out.
The anger hurts doesn't it? I can't stand the anger, I would rather feel the pain but that is progress.
Anger is just a defence against our pain and tears.
Last night I was thinking of you, I realized that made a comment on one of your threads that went like this: " all mental illness is is a refusal to suffer." I hope that you did not think I was trying to say something to you?
I wrote that comment because this past weekend I was hurting and I wanted to reach for a cigarette, my mind was racing and I was feeling anxious. I started to breath and sit with what was coming up for me emotionally, it pain and more tears. I cried and at times just sat there feeling intense pain and hurting. I was suffering the deprivation of the loss of my mom's love, or genuine love, the stuff we need to live and live happily.
As I was suffering my thoughts calmed and my anxiety left me, then I thought to myself, "wow...all mental illness is an unwillingness to suffer." I thought "all I do is geared around seeking relief." I was saying that I was feel mentally ill for me. I can relate.
You violet ARE NOT mentally ill. From what I can discern from your posts, you are all there and for the most part, people who admit that they suffer depression, anger and all the stuff that you admitted to are usually more healthy than those that do not admit to anything and pretend to have it all together.
Thank you so much - what great voice you have -- I am happy you are here.