Dear Lise,
Thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt. Yes, I am aware of your presence, and I respect your presence, not only because this is your thread, which you initiated.... although that is a fact which is definitely worthy of serious consideration, I think!... but also because the discussions have directly involved you.
I wouldn't like it if people talked around me on a thread where I was really trying to work through some issues. On the other hand, I've watched plenty of issues fly by on the Safe People thread and not been too distracted... okay, maybe a bit distracted... but mostly, I don't ever want anyone to feel like I'm talking around or over them... because that feels minimizing, to me. Dismissing.
Being treated as though you're invisible is no fun.
Lise, I need to avoid some of my own old, engrained, bad habits here, too. One of those is judging people with whom I disagree.
Therefore, I am working really hard to attach no judgment to those here whose perspectives differ from my own... and... also... I think I'd be doing disrespect to you, as though you can't stand up for your own self?!... if I chimed in every time I agree/disagree with this one or that one.
Umm... feel free to ask me to hush any time. Sometimes I need it... and if I don't think I do need it, I'll say so, but not before giving the request due consideration.
Smiling now.
Love to you,