Hi, Ann,
I never thought of my parents as being neglectful or abusive until after marrying npd-ex.
It's as though that man expressed all of the condemnation and envious spite which I'd always sensed from my mother... but in her silence, she'd kept it under wraps.
Well, he let it all fly at me, loose and unrestrained - all the projection and blame-shifting and criticism and nit-picking and sabotaging - and oh, especially the shunning and abandonment - with the bottom line message always coming through to me as, "you need me in order to be alright - alone, you are hopelessly insufficient."
The theme of his story was the same old familiar one from childhood - "do it my way or you are garbage."
Coming out of that mess, once the fog cleared, I finally had a chance (and good reason!) to question just exactly why the whole abusive scenario felt so familiar to me!
Maybe for some of us it just takes a shock to be startled out of so many years of denials, Ann? I mean, apparently our former way of looking at things did work for us, for a time... after all, that was all we knew. Maybe it's as we age and begin to slow down physically that we are more inclined to look within and question these things? For me, it was a combination of events, but primarily this short (3-year) marriage to a pathological, malignant narcissist. All I can say is - let's don't stew over how long it took, just be glad to have awakened!
It really is so very disorienting. If these people are not who I always thought they were, then who am I?
And if I'm honest with myself about the neglectful/abusive way in which my parents' raised me, then... well, then I must face the deeper issues of forgiveness and release, which is alot more painful than just saying, "aw, it really wasn't so bad."
I thought I'd come out of it all fairly okay, remarrying after npd-ex and all... continuing to raise my children... but there was still more to uncover and purge... and it goes all the way back to the beginning. NPD-ex was only a symptom of a much deeper problem.
So, this really is a mountain that can't be gone around... just gotta keep on marching right on over the top.
Seeking those straight paths...
with love,