Hi, tjr,
I'm just now getting back to read your posts more thoroughly and wanted to thank you... so sorry I just skimmed them before. Especially appreciate the info re: corrections, counterpoints, and discounts within communication.
None of it has reached an abusive level, by any means, but each one of us within our household has one or more of these conversational habits... and it's usually comical, but I can definitely see how it could become an annoyance. 16 yo daughter is mistress of the counterpoint/correction combo, son, the 12 yo future attorney, does the but buts, and I do the correction to my husband's counterpointing... lol... or something like that. Anyway, it's weird to recognize, through your description, what it is we're actually doing. And seriously, my husband (Mr. Positive) often feels that I'm being negative when I suggest possible negative ramifications to one of his proposals... oh boy. So... I think maybe I'll get Patricia Evans' book and give my style an overhaul.
Our families are all quite distant, geographically, as well... and most of the time, I'm sure that's a real blessing. But still, it's hard not to feel the loss when you can't have a genuine, down-to-earth, intimate conversation with those who are supposed to be closest to you. I'm sorry... I know it's painful. Like you said, my parents are not generally outright abusive, but there is simply no meeting of the emotions... or minds, really... it's just all about them. And at ages 87 and 80, I sometimes feel really sad that I didn't know some of this alot sooner... yet I doubt whether it woulda made much difference as far as changing them.
Thanks again.