Oh Thankyou all and my heart also goes out to all of you and your touching stories.
Beth, may you have many, many more happy years with Henry. I will keep the happy memories in mind and I know my pain will decrease as time goes by. Thanks for that reminder.
Ami, your wisdom always inspires me. I think it's a very special bond I have with my animals and it is different than with people (which some people might think is weird or silly, I suppose). I have another dog too (besides my new pup). And the bond is not as deep as with my old Shepherd but definately deeper than with the new pup. Yes, it takes time and deepens over time. I thought when my Shepherd went, I'd be ok with just my little mutt for awhile but I suddenly felt......unsafe. I live in the country and like having a big scary dog to protect me from the bad guys (the joke being.....there are a whole lot more bad guys in the city, where I used to live, without always having a big, scary dog and somehow, I survived). This pup (Roxy)will grow into a big scary dog, I bet and so I will feel safe again. The little mutt (Tilly) is a companion to all of us and truly a brave little brute. I'm very grateful that I am able to have them both in my life.
So true how you said it.....our little animal friends a the most precious gift. Thankyou for your kind wishes and for putting so much into words that I would never be able to.
Carolyn, thanks for asking about my mil. She is still very sad to have lost her "George". She will miss him dearly and may not be able to have another dog.....at least a big dog....again (as she is not, so far, strong enough to handle one). She has met the new pup and has fallen in love too. She said she will be glad when Roxy gets big and will feel secure with her here (mil coming to live here end of this month).
You're right about that tallying business. I was thinking about that today. I thought: "Maybe I'm just here to withstand loss after loss ....like a big test....to see if I'll crack and turn mean?" What a crazy thought eh? I've always said this place is just a "big test" and now I'm proving it to myself. Better rethink that one. Loss hurts and it's hard and painful and everything but it also gives us an appreciation for what we still have....well I should say for me, anyhow. I told myself today that I'm not going to feel too sorry for myself as I have it pretty good and should be glad of it. I've lived through some horrors and heartaches and I'm still not real mean, yet (

). I just need to acknowledge to myself how much it does hurt to lose a friend who was such a blessing to have known (and even though she was an animal.....she was more like a family member to me.....always at my side, always ready to play or listen to me whine......and that howwwwwwwlllll when I went out.....oh it was so sad). No more howling for old Pooey. I agree. We must meet again in a better place. Thankyou too for your kind words, Carolyn and the hugs. I need 'em.
Oh Poppyseed, ofcourse you qualify!! I wish with all my heart for you to have a good experience with a pet. Puppies take awhile to housetrain (and not too, too long if you know a few tricks). One thing I learned......take a week off when you get a new pup and watch carefully......taking pup out whenever he/she wakes, after playing, eating, and then some until the message gets through. Also, clean up "accident" areas and then douse with vinegar (as it chemically reacts with the excretement and kills the scent so they won't think the house is a washroom). Also, I'm a firm believer in crate training for the safety of the pup and the preservation of property, since pups love to chew and I know one person who lost a pup because the pup got stuck behind the stove, when the people went to work, and suffocated back there.....horrible!.
I'm so sorry you had to get rid of your dog Sadie but as you say....maybe one that's already trained, an adult, might suit you better? I have always found mutts easier to train (and I can see that clearly now as Roxy has a very strong will and a mind of her own and thus I have to be quite firm with her already....now that she's comfortable and showing her spunk. It's a good thing because when she grows up, she will be tough and won't back down from anyone who seems a threat to our family but in the mean time she has to learn that I'm the boss and she's the dog.....takes time and consistency). Some breeds are much easier such as labs (who just seem to want to please). The best advice is to read, read, read about the different breeds and their traits. Also, I take my pups to puppy school and then to basic obedience for the refresher and the socialization...very important. It's well worth the time and expense.
Oh Bella thankyou, yes, they are like little children. I always say my dogs are my children, now that my children are older and off being people. Thanks for your caring words. I know you're right that I will feel better in time and also.....it's a powerful grief.
Hi Peace, thankyou too and so sorry for your loss too, after 14 years! They do help us through difficult times and I think that is one reason I am so heartbroken over my Shepherd because she did help me through what so far, has been the worst part of my life. She was always there and now she's gone.

. It is so sad.
Still, I'm grateful that I was lucky enough to find such a good companion and hopeful that my new pup will grow in my heart just as deeply. I'm sure I will always miss old Poo though and she will always hold a special place in my heart. Thankyou for sending me love and hugs. Sending some back to you too.
Thankyou all. It helps to come here and just say what I'm feeling but even more so....to feel so understood and heard. Thankyou all so much.