Author Topic: Mourning our pets.  (Read 2260 times)


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Mourning our pets.
« on: October 18, 2007, 11:01:23 AM »
Hi all,

Thinking about this topic because in the last month I have lost two (of what felt like) my pets.  The first was my mil's doggie, who I've been caring for since May and so I was quite attached to him.  Poor old guy had to be put to sleep, as he was suffering and it was very painful for all.  The second is my German Shepherd, who I've raised since a pup and who really felt like my best friend.  Both died very suddenly and so I am deep in mourning (as if I wouldn't be mourning if they'd died slowly eh?  I guess what I mean is add to mourning.....a great deal of shock).

I know others have lost pets here and will understand this pain.  It is part of life and something we must accept, I know.   So in order to help myself move on, I got another German Shepherd pup who is keeping me busy and she is hard to resist loving just as much.  So far, she is sticking to me like glue and keeping me very busy.

It all got me thinking about death and people.  We can't just go out and get another "people" when one we care about dies.   Maybe some people that?  Mourning is a long, slow process, I think and different for everyone.

Anyway, I'm ok other than little outbursts of crying now and then, when I think:  "I just want my old dog back!!"   I do miss her sooo much.  She had a good life and was a great companion, protector and friend.  I'm hoping this new little bundle of trouble will be similar and just as priceless.  So far, so good.

Mourning our pets feels the same but different from mourning our people, to me.  I can't quite put it into words but it makes me appreciate the people I care about.....that much more.



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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2007, 11:19:32 AM »
I can't imagine losing Henry... I was depressed when my piggies died last year. It was very hard. My daughter was especially upset.
I think you are right that the N can just go out and get someone new... They don't realize the specialness of a person or being. My mother actually said, when my sister's husband's uncle died, "Well, his mother has other siblings, doesn't she." However, my mother talks about certain deaths in her family as if the world should have stopped. It is very strange. Overall, she is very cold about death and it doesn't seem to affect her at all.
I am so sorry for your pain, Sela. I hope soon you will be able to enjoy happy memories and feel more at peace.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2007, 11:41:13 AM »
Dear Sela and Beth,
 I think that our bond with an  animal is deeper (in a way) than with a person.. .We don't need a mask on with an animal.We touch them and they touch us at our "deep feeling " level.
. When you have had an animal for years(Henrietta is a 13 yr old Standard Poodle),you have an unspoken communication
  What really surprised me  about Mimi(1 yr.old Yorkie) is that it is taking time to bond with her.  I am kind of an acquaintance  with Mimi.,still.
   I was surprised that the relationship with an animal needs time  to deepen ,too. That is why if I lost Henrietta ,it would be so much harder.
   Sela, my heart goes out to you in your sorrow and loss. Our animal friends are one of the MOST precious gifts on this earth.
  I think that your" old friend" will always be in your heart -- no matter how many new" friends' you get.
  A long time animal friend is one of the most precious gifts that we will ever have(IMO).It helps to  takes the sting off so many human betrayals and abandonments.
  There are so many wonderful moments with a faithful dog-- smelling their wet hair after a rain, their sweet kisses, their excitement over a treat or seeing you come home, their sad face when you leave, their presence at your feet, their warm fur to cry on.
 Sela, I wish you many wonderful moments with your new friend as you always remember and cherish the memories of your old friend.               Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2007, 11:52:20 AM »
(((((((((((Sela)))))))))))) Oh dear, I am so sorry. It's just always something, isn't it?
How is your mil taking the loss of her doggie? I hope she's feeling better and stronger all the time.

We have lost so very many animals and it just never gets any easier... I miss them all, even the pet chickens.
Mostly I am glad that you did get another pup right away and that she's keeping you occupied... that is great medice, but I also know it's never the same. We had to put down my German Shepherd last year and I still miss his deep woo woo woo - so plaintive and cajoling at the same time... *sigh*
but for me, I have had to make up my mind not to start tallying losses as though they're the stuff on which my life is built, you know?
That's the risk... to sink lower and lower into the pool of that which is gone forever. Ack. I get like that even on ex's birthdates... need an off-switch for that...but our critters... well, I think they're so important to our wellbeing that I'm really convinced they'll be in heaven. Can't prove it, but I also can't imagine paradise without them... so just trusting that they're really not gone forever, you know?
More hugs to you... I'm so glad you wrote and I hope you'll enjoy training that new pooch and not feel so sad for too long...

With love,

Poppy Seed

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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2007, 12:35:19 PM »
I don't know if I qualify to join this discussion....but I have some feelings here.  I feel like I finally know what animal lovers feel.  Love and comfort to the profound loss!

I never thought of myself as a pet person.  I grew up with cats and two dogs that didn't stay long because one bit my brother and I was too afraid of the other.

When I moved 10 mos ago, and was taking my "time out" to heal, I felt an overwhelming need to get a dog.  I dreamt about it and found myself obsessed with pet stores. I finally broke down and bought my first cocker.  She was beautiful but hated my kids and bit them many times.  I gave her to a rescue organization.  Then I got a little puppy that had deformed legs so I gave it back to the breeder and she took the dog and my money.  Jerk!! Then, after more research, I found a breeder I could trust, and purchased my third cocker, Sadie.  She was the perfect puppy.  I loved her.  I bonded with her.  I thought and bought for her.  I felt like a little part of my heart had found a salve.  Not being a pet person, and never having trained a dog before, I  became frustrated that she wouldn't potty train and after lots of money and months of effort, my house was smelling of pee and my H said she had to go. I sold her the next day.  Selling her solved problems for me but my goodness, I miss her so.  I cry for her quietly in my heart and feel the emptiness in the house.  I hope she is happy in her new surroundings but I am mourning her loss and so are my kids.  I think I feel a little frustrated that I couldn't find a dog to fit our family.  I felt like losing Sadie was another blow to my security.  I am feeling the need to heal from that as well.  And I honestly can't believe I feel that way.  But it feels good to voice it.  I am now considering getting another one.  Maybe an adult dog that has already been trained and that loves kids and can tolerate family craziness.  I think I really need a dog.  I go to bed and wish Sadie was with me sleeping (although my H would never consent to the co-sleep with dog thing)   I think I may be a dog loving convert!  I know no dog will be the same as Sadie.  Maybe some of you dog veterans can help me make a better choice next time.  I am in love with cockers ....even though they are a little stubborn.  I love their loyalty and charm.

Love Pops


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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2007, 05:03:54 PM »
Dear Sela,

My heart goes out to you; that must feel so incredibly bad. I am so sorry that you had to lose not one, but two, dogs who were close to you. At least they had a good life and your love was part of what made their little lives happy.

I don't think we ever stop thinking about the little ones we have loved and lost; they can be so much like children, and the loss can therefore be like losing a child. It is such a powerful feeling of grief, I know. I can only say that you will feel better in time.

X Bella

finding peace

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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2007, 07:50:21 PM »
Dear Sela,

I am so sorry for your loss. 

I know how hard it is to lose loved one.  I had a cat for 14 years (maybe it would be more accurate to say I was my cat's human for 14 years). 

She helped me through some of the most difficult times in my life - I could always count on her.  She gave me more love and compassion than I ever got from my family. 

She died 7 years ago, and I miss her to this day. 

Much love and hugs to you,
- Life is a journey not a destination


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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2007, 10:06:41 PM »
Oh Thankyou all and my heart also goes out to all of you and your touching stories.

Beth, may you have many, many more happy years with Henry.  I will keep the happy memories in mind and I know my pain will decrease as time goes by.  Thanks for that reminder.

Ami, your wisdom always inspires me.  I think it's a very special bond I have with my animals and it is different than with people (which some people might think is weird or silly, I suppose).  I have another dog too (besides my new pup).  And the bond is not as deep as with my old Shepherd but definately deeper than with the new pup.  Yes, it takes time and deepens over time.  I thought when my Shepherd went, I'd be ok with just my little mutt for awhile but I suddenly felt......unsafe.    I live in the country and like having a big scary dog to protect me from the bad guys (the joke being.....there are a whole lot more bad guys in the city, where I used to live, without always having a big, scary dog and somehow, I survived).  This pup (Roxy)will grow into a big scary dog, I bet and so I will feel safe again.  The little mutt (Tilly) is a companion to all of us and truly a brave little brute.  I'm very grateful that I am able to have them both in my life.

So true how you said it.....our little animal friends a the most precious gift.  Thankyou for your kind wishes and for putting so much into words that I would never be able to.

Carolyn, thanks for asking about my mil.  She is still very sad to have lost her "George".  She will miss him dearly and may not be able to have another least a big dog....again (as she is not, so far, strong enough to handle one).  She has met the new pup and has fallen in love too.  She said she will be glad when Roxy gets big and will feel secure with her here (mil coming to live here end of this month). 

You're right about that tallying business.  I was thinking about that today.  I thought:  "Maybe I'm just here to withstand loss after loss a big see if I'll crack and turn mean?"  What a crazy thought eh?  I've always said this place is just a "big test" and now I'm proving it to myself.  Better rethink that one.  Loss hurts and it's hard and painful and everything but it also gives us an appreciation for what we still have....well I should say for me, anyhow.  I told myself today that I'm not going to feel too sorry for myself as I have it pretty good and should be glad of it.   I've lived through some horrors and heartaches and I'm still not real mean, yet ( :mrgreen:).  I just need to acknowledge to myself how much it does hurt to lose a friend who was such a blessing to have known (and even though she was an animal.....she was more like a family member to me.....always at my side, always ready to play or listen to me whine......and that howwwwwwwlllll when I went out.....oh it was so sad).  No more howling for old Pooey.  I agree.   We must meet again in a better place.  Thankyou too for your kind words, Carolyn and the hugs.  I need 'em.

Oh Poppyseed, ofcourse you qualify!!  I wish with all my heart for you to have a good experience with a pet.  Puppies take awhile to housetrain (and not too, too long if you know a few tricks).  One thing I learned......take a week off when you get a new pup and watch carefully......taking pup out whenever he/she wakes, after playing, eating, and then some until the message gets through.  Also, clean up "accident" areas and then douse with vinegar (as it chemically reacts with the excretement and kills the scent so they won't think the house is a washroom).  Also, I'm a firm believer in crate training for the safety of the pup and the preservation of property, since pups love to chew and I know one person who lost a pup because the pup got stuck behind the stove, when the people went to work, and suffocated back there.....horrible!.

I'm so sorry you had to get rid of your dog Sadie but as you say....maybe one that's already trained, an adult, might suit you better?  I have always found mutts easier to train (and I can see that clearly now as Roxy has a very strong will and a mind of her own and thus I have to be quite firm with her that she's comfortable and showing her spunk.  It's a good thing because when she grows up, she will be tough and won't back down from anyone who seems a threat to our family but in the mean time she has to learn that I'm the boss and she's the dog.....takes time and consistency).  Some breeds are much easier such as labs (who just seem to want to please).  The best advice is to read, read, read about the different breeds and their traits.  Also, I take my pups to puppy school and then to basic obedience for the refresher and the socialization...very important.  It's well worth the time and expense.

Oh Bella thankyou, yes, they are like little children.  I always say my dogs are my children, now that my children are older and off being people.  Thanks for your caring words.  I know you're right that I will feel better in time and's a powerful grief.

Hi Peace, thankyou too and so sorry for your loss too, after 14 years!  They do help us through difficult times and I think that is one reason I am so heartbroken over my Shepherd because she did help me through what so far, has been the worst part of my life.  She was always there and now she's gone.  :(.  It is so sad.
Still, I'm grateful that I was lucky enough to find such a good companion and hopeful that my new pup will grow in my heart just as deeply.  I'm sure I will always miss old Poo though and she will always hold a special place in my heart.   Thankyou for sending me love and hugs.  Sending some back to you too.

Thankyou all.  It helps to come here and just say what I'm feeling but even more feel so understood and heard.  Thankyou all so much.



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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2007, 11:47:45 PM »
Oh (((((((((((Sela)))))))))))), I'm really sorry.
I can't add a word of wisdom, except I understand.

My first husband  :) was a huge yellow Lab whom I got at a country shelter...
he'd been turned in because he was a lousy hunter.
He was the best friend I ever had and I grieved so hard when he died
I've never let myself bond so closely to an animal since.

Now my pooch is showing her age, and I can see the old-lady effort
on her face when she climbs stairs. She's so lovely and appealing...
and it's hard to remember she's about 80 in dog-years. I dread
that time, but when it comes I'll deal with it quickly.
Bless you for caring enough to release your pets from their pain.

I second the notion of an adult mutt. From a shelter or rescue org.
They make such mellower dogs. Cockers are very high-strung...

Don't give up! Ask a knowledeable trainer to help you choose...

Hops (and Bagel)
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2007, 01:27:14 PM »
Aw Hops, thanks and I feel for you too.

I'm so sorry for the loss of your lab and I know that feeling of trying to prepare yourself for the inevitable.  I've been trying for awhile too. 

.... I grieved so hard when he died I've never let myself bond so closely to an animal since.

I think people do this all the time.   This is what is meant by love hurts.  It does.  It hurts to love so deeply and then to have to let go (for whatever reason).

"Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all......."

I think that line was in "Love Story" (anyone remember that movie?).

Is it worth it?  The investment?  The pain when it ends?

That happened with me with friends in the world.  It wasn't worth it and I haven't bothered to try making new (human friends) friends since.  Now the pay off is....I'm alone (in the human friend department....just about) and that doesn't feel good either.

Bless you for loving Hops.



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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2008, 04:29:52 PM »
Dear dear Sela,

So how is the new German Shepherd? Is she bonkers? Puppies are ALL bonkers, imo.  :D

And more importantly, how are you doing? I think you need deserve are entitled to should have must go find surely can collect a couple 3-D friends :D?

Let's go on an adventure. Let's join something, tentatively. Let's look for a simple Good Egg to invite to go out for Chinese.

(I was amazed to read that, since you've been such a friend to me. Sorry it took me so long to see this.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2008, 07:12:17 PM »
Dear, everyone, and particulary Sela because she started the thread. I am sorry for the pain that the loss of a pet brings. I have had pets  most of my life, except when I wasn't allowed to have them because I was in an apartment. I have found that when dies another seems to come along. All my animals have been strays, or a dog or cat that someone doesn't want. Recently, I started worrying about the Jack Russell Terrier I have. Worrying because he is getting old. I mean how ridiculous is that, he is seven but I love him so much and he has the most beautiful nature. He is a people dog. I'll post his story on a separate thread, because it is a story of survival. He replaced a much loved cat, who succumbed to the stress of a massive bushfire, we had in Canberra in 2003. The most beautiful animal, I ever had was my black labrador, got on Christmas Eve 1973. She was mine and mine alone. Not that she was nasty to anyone but she just knew me like I never be known before. When I came home from work, she instantly sensed if I was sad, and she knew what to do about it. She would put her paw on my knee and quietly sit with me. Strangeoly, the cat that died of stress related health issues and the labrador where the best of friends. They are buried together in one grave even though they died 15 years apart.I think animals play a big part in our lives if we can relate to them.

Kim in OZ


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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2008, 09:03:54 PM »
G'Day Kim from Oz!!

What a nice post, thankyou.  I cringed to think of your poor kitty in that bushfire!  How horrible!  And for your suffering (I'm sure you did for your pet and for your own loss).  Then, you were given a magnificent Christmas gift!

How wonderful!  :D

Oh yes!  Animals play a huge part in my life!  As a doggie was my truest friend.  Throughout life, my pets have been wonderful companions and ....don't laugh.....teachers.

Bless you for taking strays and animals that others don't want! 

I haven't had that much guts yet.  I've been selfish and wanted to raise my pets the way I want (train them from wee guys) and more so.....avoid taking on someone else's problem.  Sounds like you did not have to deal with that and your pets were meant to be with you.

I have to say....I'm still mourning my poor old Pooer.  There are reminders all around and every day and I find myself wishing I could hug her just one more time.....wishing that she was back here to help me train this new pup......etc.  I know this too shall pass.

Hops, thanks for asking!  Sorry I didn't see your post until Kim revived this thread.  Oh the pup is wonderful!  She is 61 pounds already and just barely 6 mos old!  Gonna be a giant!  She's full of spunk and is quite the "frapper" (a term we coined because supposedly there is something called "frap"s that puppies have/do......

Frantic Rapid Activity Periods  (my cursor doesn't work well enough to highlight in bold the first letter of each word there).

On Wednesday, I took my pup in to have her spayed.  I really had a hard time doing it.  She is such a sweet, gentle, loving, obedient, keen, obedient, attentive, graceful girl......her pups would be lovely and I seriously considered breeding her.  Except....that I've never had that experience before and have a lot on my plate right now (with mil here and all) and as my hubby said:  I'd have a heck of a time giving the pups up!

I know he's right.  I'd be doing security checks and fingerprinting anyone wanting one and then.....changing my mind and deciding to keep them......all.

German Shepherds, when healthy and in a good environment, will sometimes have 10 or a dozen pups.

Can you imagine?

I'd have a whole herd of them!!!   :mrgreen:

So, I took wee Roxy to the doc and I didn't sleep at all the night before, was nerve racked all morning until I finally couldn't stand it anymore and called the vet around lunch time to see how she was.  She was fine!  I felt extreme elation!!

It's amazing how attached I am already to this pup.  I felt like I would just die, if she didn't make it through surgery.  I worried over her like my own child and I felt such relief when I finally picked her up and brought her home.  She was very drowsy but otherwise, fine.  She is a beautiful gift and I treasure her.

Isn't it something, Hops? 


Oh Hops.  No worries about not seeing this thread for awhile.  Yes!  I took your offer......and accidently made a few new 3D friends!  Wonderful girls who invited me to the wildest New Years Eve party I've been too since teenagehood.  What a blast!

You've been a wonderful friend to me too Hops.  I hope you found a chinese food lover to share with in 3D too!  And if not will!  I know I would be honoured to chow down with you and anyone should!!

 :D Sela


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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2008, 12:09:00 AM »

How about a puddy tat for you now?

love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mourning our pets.
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2008, 08:44:45 AM »
Sela-I am so sorry.  I love my pets and have four-two cats and two dogs.  You just love them.  My H mom never let him have pets so our male dog is the first thing he has raised since a baby (he has no children)  It is fun to watch his happiness with his little boy.  He told me he never knew they had personalities.  Our oldest dog just got her toe removed because she had a tumor.  It was not cancer but you worry and take care of them like a child.

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"