The counselor was here on Monday. As the week passed, I have had more and more insights . I am so grateful to have a counselor. I have resisted any counseling,strongly. However,it IS such a relief .
My M is a "traditional" counselor. Ann is a minister.
Ann does not put herself in an authority role. She is helping me to find my place with God--to feel loved.The Bible says that" Perfect love casts out fear." I think if fear could dissolve in anyone, they would heal, then and there(IMO).
It seems as if fear is at the bottom of ALL our problems, if we go deeply enough. Shame is fear of being "found out" and then humiliated.
I see that my problems have been believing lies---slowly, very slowly.It was the frog in the boiling water.
She said that when s/one kills themselves, the survival mechanism has turned off. I see how my survival mechanism has "turned off", too,in many ways.My not being able to eat was the survival mechanism shutting down. My abdicating myself(emotionally) was this ,also.
I asked Ann why I had to go SO low in order to find God. She said it was b/c I would not "submit" to authority,easily, b/c my "authority" had been my M. She said that some people do not have to go that low b/c they CAN submit to authority b/c they have had parents, whom they could trust.
That was a question I have always had.
She sees the world as an interplay between spiritual forces. It is making sense ,in my heart.
I am seeing that when you "go down", you have allowed forces in ,which are slowly pulling you down and you do not realize this,at all. It happens so slowly.
It must be like domestic abuse. You don't get 'beaten up" ,right away.. You get eroded and eroded . Your thinking, values, sense of self , sense of right and wrong, judgement, trust in yourself, etc ,get diminished very, very slowly until domestic abuse is "normal" Ami