It occurred to me that I may give out more a picture of pain, problems and sufferings to the board about my life than I share the good of my life and the progress.
So here goes,
My life blows me away (in a good way). If someone would have told me 17 years ago, when I was just awakening to my FOO pain and therapy work, that I would be who I am, and live the life I live, I would have never believed it!
I love my job/work and what I do, there are no financial worries -- the pay is great! I am debt free, my car is paid off. My apartment is gorgeous and I live in one of the most beautiful and sought after cities in the world to live. The ocean in my backyard and the art, culture and adventurous city is my front yard.
On Sunday's I attend Mass at a huge Gothic Catholic Cathedral and on week day I attend Mass at a little French Church downtown in the financial district on my lunch hours.
Most especially, I'm blessed with many friends. I love my AA friends. 4 of us piled into my car last night and went to the 9pm candle light Mass at the beautiful Gothic Church -- We were laughing on the way home because one of my former drunk friends was telling the story of a alcoholic that he did 12 step work with to get sober. When he was hearing his confession, or 5th step, at the end of every resentment, my firend (the sponsor) would ask him what his part was and what he did that was wrong, the guy (sponsee) would say, regretfully, "I beat him up." At the end of every inventory...he had beat up over 100 guys while drinking...Yeah we laugh at ourselves a lot!
We laugh hard and frequently; to know that feeling of camaraderie, to have others who we laugh with at the absurdity of our sins, past wrongs and shameful behaviors -- We laugh together because we have been there and now we work to be better together -- We are free!
There are many hobbies I enjoy: cooking, knitting, ice skating, running, walking in the rain on the beach, watching old movies and reading.
I love spending time with my family, my sister, my brother, my nieces and nephews, my cousins and my uncles and aunts.
This Spring I am going to a wedding of a girlfriend of mine that thought that she would never find love or marry and now she is head over heals in love with a guy head over heals for her!
They say that out outer world is a reflection of our inner world. There is so much more and I am happy with who I am, inside and out.
This past year was a rough one. However, I can feel that I am almost home....I can see the summit, sometimes -- I started working on FOO stuff when I was 17. Then again I restarted when I was 22. Then in my late twenties I started working with the Freudian therapist - 4 intensive years and 3 more for a total of years of persuing my darkness and persuing insight and growth. I have embraced a lot of healing - I am proud of myself.
So yes, there is still my memories and pain - there are still old patterns and much growing still to do but God did not bring me this far to drop me off. I pencil in suffering into my calendar. My old pain comes up because it is safe for it to come up. Because I am good to me and my life is full, therefore, my inner girl knows that it is the time feel, it is the time to heal.
One of the best parts of my life is helping others, working with other alcoholics, prostitutes, homeless and others with FOO pain to heal -- this is the stuff that gives my life meaning -- compassion. My broken childhood has taught me that it takes a deeply compassionate heart to help heal a broken one.
Most importantly, there is my relationship with God He is either everything or He is nothing. For me I would give everything because He is my everything.
I do not mean to brag or boast, just wanted to offer hope and or inspiration.