Author Topic: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?  (Read 4390 times)


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Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« on: February 04, 2008, 07:43:36 PM »
 I "know", intellectually , that my M is an N(IMO) However, my "heart" doesn't understand why she can only see  "ugly" in me.
  I try so hard to be "good" and all she sees is "bad".
  All she sees is the one "pimple" on my face. I am still trying to get her to have that deep ,loving acceptance of me and what I meet with is sharp disapproval.
  She WAS good to me during the funeral etc. I guess the magnitude of the tragedy overshadowed all my "unacceptable" parts,but NOW my "unacceptable" parts are showing----bleh.
  I have ,yet ,to ask some of my "functional " friends,if they got unconditional love from their families. I would be really interested if I am the "rule" or the exception.
  I am back to "never doing it right", not doing it well enough, doing it TOO much, or not doing it enough. IT is everything there is. It is major scewing up,in every area---bleh. .
  I just wonder if this is what everyone(with N parents and with non N parents ) goes through.
Any thoughts would be appreciated. If I have already asked this in another form(lol), I am sorry,but I am facing it again,today.                                     
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2008, 07:56:16 PM »

Hi Ami,

My mom is the same way. I'll never be enough in her eyes, I gave up a long time ago. She never even asks me what is going on in my life because she knows that I will never tell her either my joys or my successes -- I do not set myself up for disapointment with her. It is a matter of beating my head against a wall or trying to jam a square peg into a round hole.

I have long ago mourned the loss of my moms approval and acknowledgement and I am still mourning it on some levels. There was so much genuine love that I needed and never got.

If I was to experience a loss such as yours, my mom would find a way to make it about her. My pain would be overlooked and she would be the one with the most suffering...she would demand all the sympathy go to her.

Dear Ami - you are mourning so much these heart feels so much love for you and compassion. I hope you get to take a bubble bath and listen to music that comforts you, take long naps, go for walks with Mimi or just hold her on your lap. I hope that you get many hugs these days.



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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2008, 08:16:53 PM »
Dear Ami,

I sometimes wonder if its not so much that they don't `see' our value, but that they would never `express' that value in the form of praise ?.

My mother is her nastiest with one of my sisters; she is self-doubting and so wonderfully gentle, like you, and also the most beautiful of her 4 girl-children. She has four boys (no girls), and is well off.

I really think my mother envies her, and this is why she is picked on so much. My mother values beauty, boy children, and wealth very highly and my sister has all of that. By my mother's standards, she would be regarded as  great success! But my mother can't stand her. She picks at the smallest things, and is always hypercriical regarding her parenting and `style' of being.

My mother `gets on' better with her daughters who are less fortunate. She will even praise us and be kind at times! The one she `loves' is extremely obese. I cme a distant second, i think, because I struggle and I am far from pretty.

I guess what I'm saying, is she probaly sees your value, Ami. She probably sees it quite well.

X Bella



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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2008, 08:27:13 PM »
Hi Bella-

You make a very good point. It has not occurred to me that my mom or that other N mom's for that matter, could actually see our goodness and or talents and successes until I read your post. I usually think that they have a skewed view of reality, it is not us they see but our accomplishments, like you said, and they will feel threatend because they are insecure at heart.

Somewhere in all of my reading up on N mom's I read that N mom's tend to project their own self-hatred or dislike about themselves onto their children.



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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2008, 08:29:56 PM »
Dear Lise and Bella,
  What great comments. I feel uplifted,already.
  Lise, I guess that you accepted what "is" and I still want my M to value me, so I can value myself--bleh.
   Bella, you are so sweet in your comments. You "reframed " the situation for me.
  I will simply chose to look at it the way you said. It will be a positive way to view a "negative " situation. It can turn it around for good.
                          Love to You, Bella and Lise,     Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2008, 08:38:07 PM »
Thanks Gabben!

I am glad to know other ladies who know what it feels to grow up wit an N-mother; it makes me feel bad, in a way, to know you've gone through it but also I happy to have this `bond' with you to, if that makes sense.

MY mother is a somatic narcissist, and from what you've said you mother (like AMi's) is more like a  cerebral narcissist? I think cerebreal N's tear down your every thought and eat away at your sense of confidence in your reality; it so very nasty. My mother was only really interested in sexual attention, and abandoned the family over and over while i was growing up. And she `taught' me to hate my body and to `disregard' my intellect. But it was not the same as tearing it down.

I am trying to learn how to be more sensitive to your wounds, Gabs. I am not sure how to be, But I  want to you know that I really do care an ddo not want to hurt you.

love and hugs,


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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2008, 08:41:54 PM »
I am trying to learn how to be more sensitive to your wounds, Gabs. I am not sure how to be, But I  want to you know that I really do care an ddo not want to hurt you.

Likewise (((Bellla))) thank you.



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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2008, 08:49:40 PM »
Boy, Bella. A somatic N sounds worse than a cerebral N. We should have a parlor game--which N is worse(Lol)?
 I am so thankful that my M left my intellect intact.
 The ONE area my M did not mess with was that. Being able to immerse myself in books and learning new things  has gotten me through a lot of pain.
  I can see why you have the "body "issues, Bella.How are you doing on your exercise program?
  I think that you and Lise are very respectful of each other and set a "good standard" for working out differences on the board.
                                       Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2008, 09:51:09 PM »
Dear Ami,

I like to exercise, and do a lot of walking each day. But its not enough to get me especially fit, so I'm using the exercise bike too. Its really working well!

Ami, I've tried really hard to assign my body image to `body dysmorphia' or something, but I think my opinion is  accurate- I'm just not very good looking right now.  I'll probably get uglier with age and gravity, so my attitude is I'd better learn to cope.

The trouble I have is with feeling too much shame and anxiety about my looks. Heck, its just my looks!. Being good looking isn't everything, not to me. Those are my mother's values, and yet I've `internalized' them as feelings of shame and fear.

Annoying huh?

X Bella



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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2008, 10:00:31 PM »
Dear Bella,
  I think that you need to try to find the "voice" of the shame and fear and hear what they are "saying " to you. At the end ,you will probably realize it is "lies".
  I realized that I punished myself, my whole life, b/c I could not make my M "normal". (That would have taken Superman ----lol)
  Scott thought he was worthless b/c he could not get my H to behave better and hence, make the family function well.
  The counselor told me that,today.
  Bella, I am quite sure that your deep feelings about yourself are "some" version of "craziness", as mine and Scott's were. Most of the things that destroy us are just "crazy " ideas, usually about "control"(that we could not make a situation "right")
 Compost what doesn't fit.
 Your b/f thinks you are beautiful, Bella. You have mentioned that  on other threads. That is one of the  the most important things, Bella--- a loving man ,who thinks you are beautiful.                 Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2008, 01:00:22 AM »
Dear Ami,

Yes it really helps. His Nickname for me is `beautiful'; he's so sweet to me. I don't he means my looks though; I think he means `I'm' beautiful, not just one part or the other. Its how I see his beauty too- as the sum of parts. Looks are just one part (that change and meander...)

I realized that I punished myself, my whole life, b/c I could not make my M "normal". (That would have taken Superman ----lol)
  Scott thought he was worthless b/c he could not get my H to behave better and hence, make the family function well.
  The counselor told me that,today.
  Bella, I am quite sure that your deep feelings about yourself are "some" version of "craziness", as mine and Scott's were. Most of the things that destroy us are just "crazy " ideas, usually about "control"(that we could not make a situation "right")

I think you are probably right, AMi. I'm so sorry to hear about Scott. He must shouldered such a sense of responsibility for things around him.

X Bella


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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2008, 06:54:32 AM »
Hello Ami:

No, parents who are kind, loving, and more importantly, mentally stable (which an NPD person is not), do not behave in the manner you describe. 
Ordinary parents can, and do, get annoyed at times, which is quite normal, as they are only human.  But they do not reject, humiliate, become emotionally absent, play mind games, or any of that kind of stuff. 

Then again NPdisordered are unable to behave in any other way, it is a type of "coping mechanism", to give it a name.  That is how THEY deal with life.  It is hard to accept that, particularly in a parent (I would imagine.  Because I had good, kind parents).

All the best Ami, and I hope you are feeling a little better each day


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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2008, 09:19:41 AM »
Dear Bella,
  I see what happened with Scott as the same as our distortions about ourselves, feeling worthless and valueless. That is why I have  a"respect" for the lies, b/c they can destroy you.They are powerful.
 I think that the lies have stolen much of our lives, don't you, Bella?
  I have a renewed vigor to root them out. Ann is a "master" at this .  Her expertise is exceptional.
  When we shed light on the lies, they wither and die. Talking about them sheds light on them,too, and we can get free.     Love  Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2008, 09:21:41 AM »
Dear Hermes,
  Please tell me about your parents,if you could. I would love to hear how "functional" parents act.This is a serious question, even though it sounds "funny" .  Thank you for your kind and supportive posts to me.The constant encouragement really helps, Hermes!
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 09:24:34 AM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Why Can't My Mother See Any Value in Me?
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2008, 09:27:14 AM »
Please don't wait for your mother to value you first, in order to value yourself.

Scott's best legacy might be an appeal to you: Mom, learn self-love and self-respect.

He would want that more than anything. He would want you to be whole and self-respecting.

He would want you to learn to forgive yourself for everything. Everything.

Your mother gave you life. You get to keep it whether she approves of you or not.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."