*The University has a policy that one is financially bound to one's parents until one is 26, meaning that one must count their assessts as your own, even if one accepts no money from them. Meaning i need their tax documents for the 2007 session or else I can't apply for finanical aid and I have to drop out. And the "Commitee" has yet to meet regarding my letter. And it will take a month for a response. I can't transfer to a state school either b.c. federally the age is 23. So I would have to drop out until I turn 23 just to finish my BA at a state school-but that is back in FLorida and I may no longer be in the system there. typical.
I can relate to that sense of powerlessness, as I couldn't receive gov. assistance to attend university because my parents were too wealthy. But they didn't give me enough money to feed myself. I was very angry at them, because they bought two of my sisters apartments, and let my brothers live at home until wel into their thirties. The other sister got married to a rich guy.
I tried to get by, but I was studying veterinary science and the classes anda fter-hours study routine was so time consuming. I lived in what tey called a `squat' , which was dirty, chaotic place. It was fun, but I didn't have much time for fun!
A lot of the time we got food left over from supermarkets or from donations.
I really, realy, wanted to be vet; it was my childhood dream and I worked so hard to get accepted into the school. But I failed a major subject in first year (anatomy), and they made you repeat the whole year back then if you failed anytign at all. Half way through repeating that year, I just couldn't stomach it any more. Life was to hard for me. And I was angry, angry , angry about my aprents abandoning me instead of helping me. In hindsight, i think my mother wished for me to fail. She told me, later in life, taht her mother did the same thing to her when she was accepted into university. That made me feel even agrier- so she did that to me, knowing it would sabotage me? Great, thanks Mum.
I was pretty mad, el, but i've got to tell you, the anger passes and you stop caring. I think it happened for me sometime later in youth, after I had been independent for a few years, and happy with my life.
I don't really harbour resentment for what my mother was, adn the bad decisions she made. But I am mad sometimes because she hasn't changed much, and she is always trying to regain that `power' she once had over my life. To me that `power' amounts to the power to abuse and control me, and it won't happen again.
El, I think youa re the right track, making plans to escape your father's control. I couldn't think of anytign better.
PS. I am so envious of your age too! 19 was hard, depressing year for me, but I'd stll love to be that young!
X bella