When I was in first grade, we had to get $2.00 from our parents for a school project. And I remember not wanting to ask my Mom for it. So I stole the $2.00 from her purse. Of course she found out it was missing and to this day I've never "fessed up".
When my older brother was about 10 or so he and some friends went through a spate of shoplifting sweets from our sweetshop. They had the sweets behind the counter then, and kids could go back and choose what they wanted - it was dead easy. Eventually he got caught, and the shopkeeper called the police and there was a lot of fuss about it.
And I copied this, only I started by taking money if I found it lying around the house, and later took money at school as well. Never much - just pennies really. I spent it on sweets, and to this day can't feel any guilt about it. It was there, and I wanted it, so I took it. This lasted maybe a month or so, while I was 8. I never got found out. A friend of mine did it with me, and she is to this day racked with guilt, but I am not.
To be honest, I think that I wanted to get caught, and when I didn't, I stopped doing it. I think it was a cry for attention, but it didn't work, because I remained invisible. It worked for my brother, but not for me, except it didn't do him any good.
Now I am the opposite. When I worked I would never take anything from work, not even so much as a stamp, without paying for it.
So if I ever hear of children stealing, I always think that it is not the same as adults stealing. They genuinely do not understand ownership in the same way, and it is part of learning about the world. I do not think it is at all a serious trait in a child. Well, I hope not.