Author Topic: Removing Dental Amalgam  (Read 1917 times)

Gaining Strength

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Removing Dental Amalgam
« on: February 06, 2008, 09:26:25 AM »
I have decided after years of contemplating, to have thedental amalgam in my teeth removed.  Has anyone here had that done?  What were the results and what advice would you give?


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Re: Removing Dental Amalgam
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2008, 09:32:04 AM »

Thank you for this thread topic, Gaining Strength
as likewise, I have been contemplating this also.

I have nothing to offer, sorry, but will be grateful
to read any information that is offer to you.

Love, Leah
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Re: Removing Dental Amalgam
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2008, 09:50:39 AM »
I found this, ... might be of some help.

""Due to the danger of releasing mercury by removing amalgam fillings the following is a priority order for the removal:

Root canal-treated teeth with pins or screw-posts of non-precious metals and metal crowns with amalgam cores should be treated first.
Next are amalgams in direct constant contact with gold. Often the amalgam can be removed while the gold inlays, the crown or the bridge, can be left. What to do with the fold can be decided later.
Where there is direct intermittent biting contact between amalgam and gold in opposing teeth.
Where there is direct contact between amalgam and other metals like partial chromium-cobalt dentures.
Most patients have several different types of amalgam fillings, and the ones containing the newer types of amalgam high in copper (non-gamma-2 amalgam) should be removed first. The priority order between different filings can be based on the patient’s own opinions or visible signs of corrosion and discoloration.
Amalgam fillings in contact with gum tissue. It might be necessary to remove metal-impregnated gum tissue surgically.


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Re: Removing Dental Amalgam
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2008, 10:12:20 AM »
Dear GS,
  I have known many people who did remove the fillings, etc. Often, the problem remained , afterward. I would get Dr Schutz's nutritional program b/c you can flush out heavy metals with nutrition.
 I think his program will cure whatever physical problem you have w/out the pain and expense of having to have that much dental work.
 What I am doing is just not putting any more mercury in,but doing Schutz as a way to take out what could be coming from the fillings.
 Think of it this way, many people DO have mercury fillings and ARE  OK ,so what is the difference with them? They have a better immune sysytem or way to deal with the mercury. I know that the dentists tell you that some people are more sensitive to mercury than others, but I think that Dr Schutz would do the trick, no matter what---much cheaper, less intrusive and much less painful(lol)
             Love   Am
« Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 07:18:08 AM by Ami »
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Gaining Strength

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Re: Removing Dental Amalgam
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2008, 04:38:22 PM »
I have been contemplating this for quite some years.  I have known of some people who have had life altering results and others who did not have a noticeable difference, but I have a strong sense that it will make a real difference for me.  I have worked very hard for a very long time and have made much progress but even still I have this lingering nervousness and anxiety which seems to be even beyond the psychological causes and I bellieve on some intuitive level that removing the amalgam could be significant for me.

I got on line and read about many of the concerns and the best way to prep for it and the procedures that are safeest and the problmes of increased exposure to mercury due to the process and on and on. 

Leah - I'll keep you posted.
Hermes - your information is helpful thank you.
Ami - I'll check into Dr. Schutz.  I have not heard about him nor his nutritional program but everything I read suggested that I begin to boost my immune system in advance.  I also read to limit the amount that is done to 3 per procedure and that the time between procedures should be at least 4 weeks while you do heavy metal detox procedures inbetween.


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Re: Removing Dental Amalgam
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2008, 01:22:35 AM »

Hi GS,

I did it about twenty years ago.  I hve no positive or negative results to report other than the cosmetics effect.


Gaining Strength

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Re: Removing Dental Amalgam
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2008, 06:57:14 PM »
That's interesting.  And surprising.  Thanks for the info TT.