Dear GS,
I have known many people who did remove the fillings, etc. Often, the problem remained , afterward. I would get Dr Schutz's nutritional program b/c you can flush out heavy metals with nutrition.
I think his program will cure whatever physical problem you have w/out the pain and expense of having to have that much dental work.
What I am doing is just not putting any more mercury in,but doing Schutz as a way to take out what could be coming from the fillings.
Think of it this way, many people DO have mercury fillings and ARE OK ,so what is the difference with them? They have a better immune sysytem or way to deal with the mercury. I know that the dentists tell you that some people are more sensitive to mercury than others, but I think that Dr Schutz would do the trick, no matter what---much cheaper, less intrusive and much less painful(lol)
Love Am