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Kelly A Willoughby
What do you do when a rude person approaches you? There are three things you must always remember when dealing with a rude person. One you should never get angry, two you should never be rude back to them, and three always smile.
Rude people are angry people. They just want to hate the world or feel better than the rest of us by being rude to us. You have to beat them at their own game. First, if you get angry they win. They are being rude for a reason, to get you angry so they can get angry and yell at someone. Do not lose your cool, be better at the game than they are and do not get angry. Speak in a low, slow calm voice, almost sugary, it will drive rude people nuts.
Second, never be rude back to them, or then they win. They want you to be just like them, it is a club, and they need more members. They want you to join them in their rudeness so they have justified their need to be rude to you. They want to blame someone for whatever it is they were rude for in the first place and if you are rude, they can blame you. It is the child's play game, even though they were rude first; they blame you for being rude first.
Third and most important, you should always have a smile on your face when dealing with a rude person. They think you know something they do not. They will be so freaked out they will not be able to stay rude to you. The first thing that comes into their minds is what is she/he smiling about?' When you smile the whole world smiles with you, that saying is so very true.
Now you are talking sugary sweet talk, low calming voice, not saying anything to upset the rude person, only nice things, no blame game, and smiling. What do you think this person is going to do? They are either going to stop being rude and smile, or walk away shaking their heads. You have successfully dealt with a rude person and come out of it with a gold star!
Learn more about this author, Kelly A Willoughby