Author Topic: Men's logic  (Read 3484 times)


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Re: Men's logic
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2008, 01:18:43 PM »
Can anyone give me some insight here?

We had a round rug on lineoleum in the old house.  When our dog was a puppy he used to run over there and pee on the rug.  We had it cleaned but when we took it up there was some discoloration on the linoleum.

So yesterday I found that rug and put it under the dining room table.  Looks real nice.

So my H says to me....."in two years when we lift up that rug there is going to be some fading under it so I do not think we should put that rug there...."

Well, I think it looks nice.  He doesn't think I am being logical.  I think he forgets that the stain had to do with puppy pee not sun because it was a north facing window and so is this one....

Am I wrong to want to leave it there?  Do others have area rugs on top of carpet?

It strikes me as a crazymaking "know it all" game or power play that puts you in a no win position.  For the N-ish know it all player, being right is more important than logic.  It doesn't take a degree in physics to realize a carpet by itself probably doesn't fade linoleum.  But once the N has taken this position, he/she isn't going to back off because that would be admitting error.  Then you, being the rational adult player either give in and let him be right, or escalate it into a "big deal" and he can then abuse you for making such a big thing out of nothing:  "See how the silly woman makes a big deal out of chunk of carpet".

So you can't win playing on his terms.  I suppose the question is, how often does the pattern happen?