Dear (((( Lollie ))))
Re: The Violin
I have read your story, twice, yesterday, and again, today.
It wrenched my heart to think of you at only age 2 1/2 and having to learn how to play the violin. I learned at the age of 11 at high school and that was hard going. I can't think how your little fingers managed such a task, let alone having to handle and control the violin.
Whatever was your mother thinking of, perhaps, some kind of magical thoughts of a prodigy as in projecting into you, her own desire, that she had held capture in her heart? Maybe?
You clearly love your dear D very much, it is always a pleasure when you share of your DD. And I so love the thought of you teaching DD to play the violin, and can hear, with delight; "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"
I do so hope that you and DD enjoy 'Itzak Perlman'
Sounds absolutely delightful.
Love, Leah x