This are posts that I copied from another forum. Interesting how they fight.
So, please, do not think that I am thinking those things, lol, my English is not that good. Just examples of ridiculous behavior that many times anybody could have. LOL

I won't bother replying to most of what you said since it would be just a waste of time. Most everything in your 'arguments' can be boiled down into the quoted paragraph above. (I'll especially ignore your silly straw man arguments. Please, your forced sex argument was typical of the rest of your logic.)
You won't respond to what I said because your whole pseudo-argument is built around snooping pointlessly being an important part of your day. And reading the rest of your post makes it clear to any reader that there wasn't any straw man argument to be found in what I said in the paragraph you quoted. (And yeah, you were arguing that forcing people to do things was a substitute for choosing to do them. That's silly.)
Q u o t e:
You said time and again that people wouldn't try little known or unusual specs. That is what insecurity is called. Insecurity should not be supported in any way. Come out of the egg shell you live in. If you can't live with criticisms within a GAME your life must be very sad.
You act like everyone owes you some explanation for what they're doing. Those of us that support a privacy option here have demonstrated that we're not insecure by doing exactly what you accuse of not doing, namely, defending our position. It's not an issue of insecurity, it's an issue of being efficient and avoiding an unnecessary hassle. Seems to make sense since you never provided any reason whatsoever to invite such a hassle. If you weren't so insecure, you'd have provided some better line of reasoning than pretending to believe one needed psychological help if they didn't share your ridiculous notions of a healthy community.
Q u o t e:
Seriously, how many weeks are you going to keep these limp anti-Armory arguments going? Every day I look in the forums I see these loooong posts by Boondoggle arguing for "privacy" for his/her pretend character's gear and stats.
Seriously, I never made an anti-Armory argument, nor said anything regarding privacy for gear and stats. Nonetheless, I'll keep up what I've been doing just as many weeks as you keep misrepresenting my position and making your looooong, limp anti-privacy 'arguments'...or until my subscription runs out, whichever comes first. My posts aren't any longer than those of the people I'm responding to.
Q u o t e:
Do you ever take breaks, or has this become a full-time job?
It's no more a full time job for me than it is for the people writing equally long posts that I respond to. I'm here during the time I'd normally have been spending in game. I've had 100 posts in the last 5 days, most of them a single line long. You must be a pretty lazy employee if you think that constitutes a full time job.