Hi Write
I have been following an eating plan from eDiets online. It is wonderful in that they calculate everything for you, provide you with menu plans and support systems and remind you to keep track of your weight and measurements, etc.
What I do is, type every food I eat all day, per each meal at a time, into the screen, and it calculates my calories and vitamins, minerals for me. Also, I have begun bellydancing with FitTv on cable, as well as sometimes working out with Gilad also on cable, and walking my 2 dogs.
It's all about weeding out the sugar foods too. After a couple weeks without sugary food, you really do stop craving them. In my view, anything we crave and can't do without, could be labeled legitably an addiction. Even diet pops are made to cause us to crave carbs, believe it or not...I saw a report on it in the news last night!
I'm glad to walk with you through this if you'd like some moral support.
Having Hashimotos to battle has made it a bit tricky for me in the metabolic dept, but I'm DOING it and I feel so good about this! I'd love to have company on the journey for anyone who'd want to maybe start a thread or just keep in touch.
We can claim our minds and bodies back together!