Hi Kelly,
It is ever so easy for a Spiritual Christian to lose sight of the simple true faith and have a "Religious Spirit" [ Pharisees ] as I have witnessed, sadly.
True Spiritual Relationship faith, is having a teachable heart, humble and contrite (as the Bible teaches us).
No power, no control, no competition, "Blessed are the Nobodies"
Working out one's faith, in a close relationship with God, through Jesus Christ His Son, Walking in the Spirit each day, with a humble contrite teachable heart .... simple true faith and belief.
With a childlike heart. (not childish)
Worshipping in Spirit and in Truth.
I have gone "Back to Basics" as I think, as Christians, we lose that "First Love" and become complacent, or worse still, walk in the flesh, and we don't know it.
Leah x (Ms Nobody)
PS > Knowing that we are saved, and so filled with love and joy, that we love one another, in spirit and in truth, as He loves us.
With the fruits of His spirit, within us, each day. "You shall know them by their fruits"
"Relationship = true Intimacy"