OK LOL i came back to try once more, not to cnvence you of my point, but to see if I can make my self understood by others, not to change or agree, just to understand what I am expressing.
To know that you are being invalidated, you have to be validated before. You cannot feel invalidated if you do not know what being validated means.
For example, if you say bad words in English, I know they are bad words, but do not make me feel a special feeling, as if I hear them in my native language. In my foreign language class I have seen students say bad words and they feel indifferent and they say, I did not know that was a bad word.
For example, whrere I come from, there is a big room where many people sleep, extended family of course, not strangers. But in this country, I was not able to rent an apartment of one bedroom, because they told me that my son had to have his own bedroom.
My concept of privacy was very different. My son grew up and now his concept of privacy is very different. I never had a bedrrom of my own in my entire life until I came to live in the USA. In m culture you only have privacy when you get married. so, you know something, I am tired, and I do believe that no matter what I say I will not be able to express what I mean, which is not what you meant in your previous post, with which I agree in about 95%.
Night night