Hi, all you dear people,
had to pop in and say I miss all of you, my new friends-in-the-making and wish I could give each and everyone a HUG! So I will just do this: ((((((Group)))))))
I am out of state, visiting my son, dil, and 2 grandchildren; dil just found out she is expecting number 3, so I am trying to help her as much as possible with childcare, cooking, cleaning, etc. I have not even been to the board since leaving home 12 days ago and I MISS YOU ALL! I signed in this morning and did a cursory glance at some new threads, before everyone in this household awakens and just wanted to pop in to let you all know I am thinking about everyone on the board. Wish I had some time to read everything and make some comments; it is so difficult to be away from the board so soon after "finding" it.... I feel somewhat bereft. Anyway, even though I am working my hiney off and falling into bed at 8 p.m. every night, I can honestly say I have experienced more serenity and poise and mindfulness and grace than I have ever had on any of my previous visits, and I credit the grace of God and the acceptance and lessons learned from my short time of membership on this board. God bless you all! Gotta run! I hear my 18 month old, adorable grandson!

Maybe I can check back in soon!!! Don't forget me! Violet
PS I may not be able to check back in here for days or weeks, in case any one responds, so I will just wait til later on to catch up with everyone.....