Darren, hi it's Kim from Oz, again. I also, like to spend a lot of time alone. Mainly, because I can control the vibes around me. Ie, i can play music or not, I can vacuum or not, I can do the laundry or not. It is important to test your need for space from people as opposed to needing rest from the amount of energy that is circulating in your environment. I don't know where you live but I live in Canberra Australia, and I live in a peaceful cul-de-sac with no passing traffic, and lots of sounds of birds singing etc. That helps me be peaceful. I don't have to use an alarm clock because the cookatoo's in the big tree in the park wake at exactly the time I need to stir.
Being at one with nature makes me feel very peaceful. I have suffered with depression for a number of years and I am heavily medicated. I hope one day to not need the medication but in the meantime, I use it and it helps me get out of bed in the morning. Having no motivation was one of the reasons, I started taking mediation. I found that I felt a bit more energized. Exercise also helps as do having animals. I also have a cat, who has a real name but I call her "Chat" because that is one the things she does most of all and very loud. I talk back in chat language and she seems to know what I am saying. She is very affectionate and wants to be with me all the time, which can be a bit claustrobic, because she is a typical woman and doesn't shut up for a minute. I put her in the towel cupboard and she goes to sleep because it is warm and dark. When your cats sit with you if they do, allow yourself to enjoy the energy they give off. It might be the electricity created by stroking their coats or just the way they rub up to you. Cats are very soothing creatures.
I hope this helps a bit.