I thought you might find this interesting, and I would be very interested in any data that you have on this or related areas...
The Doctrine of Diminished Communication has been in effect for about a week. It is a coping mechanism for dealing with N'ish types. I have described it at length elsewhere. Essentially, minimized communication with them, as that communication leads nowhere that I want to go... Few conversations, always ready to withhold reply (let them have the last word), often one word replies, sometimes no reply (just as if I never heard a thing).
Here's what I have found... Baiting is occurring exactly once a day. These aren't little stupid comments. These are great big gobs of meat, with giant hooks in them, baiting me for a new round of a prior argument.
First it was the need to run a white guy on the Democratic ticket in the VP slot. I said, "Yeah, because they (the white guys) have been doing so well" (Not.). I ignored whatever he said next. End of topic.
The next day it was a statement that if the Dems are going to run a woman or a black guy, then he would vote for McCain. I did NOT say,"What just sexism and racism, what about ageism?" I said something about "It should be interesting to see what happens." and left the room to work on something. End of topic.
The third day it was a statement about when he replaces his Civ II (I am the ruler of the world) game, which I threw away. (Like he would ever have the initiative to replace it without my doing it for him, which I'm never going to do.) I said, "Right now we have to get the mulch bags out to the backyard." He said he had to wait a few minutes (exert control) and went to watch TV. I said "Fine, it's not am emergency." End of topic.
The fourth day (today) it was a comment about how we're going to have to go back to having mulch delivered by the truckload, to be pitchforked into the wheelbarrow and moved around the yard, because those bags are too heavy. (Not.) This is an discussion we've had before. We now get bagged mulch (which costs more per cubic yard) because it's waaaay faster to move around the yard, and he complains endlessly about yard work. I place the orders for delivery, this method is working, and it will stay as it is in the interest of efficiency. I don't have to discuss it. I turned on my heel and walked away; I was on my way out the door at the moment anyway. End of topic, without reply.
I find it fascinating that he's clearly baiting me for an argument that he got from me before, exactly once a day, just like clockwork. I never take the bait. My replies are minimal or nonexistant. No argument in days. Tonight he commented on what a nice day we had together.
OMG. This is working!
Have you ever monitored frequency of any such behavior? This doesn't seem to be triggered by events, just a tendency (need? habit? compulsion?) to do it daily.