Hi Gabben,
Then someone showed up and validated that I was not crazy and that this person WAS indeed stalking me on the board.
Two things:
1) Consider that VESMB is one of the best, if not the best, examples available about how disordered people behave, (at least in first hand accounts from them/us in written form). This sometimes calls for a large dose of 'putting up with' what is said on the board by members. This is hard to do when you feel assaulted or targeted. Not saying it's easy, just suggesting that staying aware of the fact that it is a board for disordered people to express themselves is wise. Edit in: Ummm, I suppose not exclusive to the disordered, but you know what I mean.
2) Re stalker. My take on this is that the more rope you give the stalker to ply their trade, (speaking only of this board, not 3D) the sooner it will become evident to the board at large what they are doing. Again, not easy, but when you consider the anonymity you have here, what can they (the stalker) do to you that can't be dealt just as effectively when what they have been doing becomes evident of its own accord? Disclaimer: What I'm suggesting is one approach, but not necessarily the only or best approach. I guess in the end, to each, his own would be the best approach. Don't know.