Hi lighter,
TT.... I think lampooning might be an accurate assessment of some of my posts: (((TT))) I've missed you too and..... what did you mean when you suggested I send my children to a ruralghetto school?
I still don't understand how I was supposed to take that one. I only know I haven't taken it any way, so I ask: )
Well, lighter My writing skills are not such that I have any room to critique that of another, so that's my disclaimer. On first, second and third reads of your post (i wanted to read and greet you on your return) which was long to begin with then stretched down an even longer page like a Portuguese fisherman's net, I couldn't tell if there was a point to be gathered. Part of the time you sounded like an elitist glorying amidst your new (I'm assuming new) expansive bed of fellow elitists. Then some of the time, you sounded like someone had tricked you and set you down in a bed of extravagant elitists without your having had a say. Then some of the time, it sounded like you were so frustrated by the situation that you just had to escape ::wiping brow:: . I still don't know if I'm even warm in any of what I thought.
Anyway, that's what I came away thinking and the only way I could make any sense of what I was thinking was to categorize it as a lampoon. So I thought, "I need to ask lighter if that is what she is doing."
It seemed to me that somehow between moving from the place where you could walk to the ghetto school across the street to where you live now, you forgot that there are alternatives to the situation you are in. But only if you hate it and desire to instill a slightly different set of values from those available to you in the present system. In other words if you're feeling like you're feeding your children through an elitist sausage grinder where each link comes our precisely the same, and you really don't want to do that - you can do it differently. There are options. One being a nice country kindergarten/school where kids are more apt to learn and develop freestyle and without so much social pressure. Hopefully, they wouldn't have to check their brain at the door either. My offering was to simply point out that even though you may feel bogged down with disgust in the present system, there are alternatives.
When you talk about your daughter going to be 'observed' it reminds me of being in a country run by a dictator, where all visitors are assigned 'minders'. Very uncomfortable.
lighter does the kindergarten you anticipate using have cameras that allow you, the parent to view your child from home or work? Just curious.
lighter, there are rural ghettos all over our country. I'm not advocating one way or the other that you search out one of these for your children. Every system has it's good, better and best points. But what you described (if I'm getting it right) seems like such a quagmire of fictitious traditions, rules and regulations, agendas that are designed to feed into the next fictitious system. The world. Now aren't I cheerful today!
Oh by the way people fart all the time, even you. Surprisingly, some people who refuse to control their bodilly noises do so to control and annoy others, and they are apt to have an attitude of, OK, so what are you going to do about it? This is especially true with farting and belching. Now isn't that an interesting little tidbit of pop psychology? You'd think I went to farting and belching school
