Author Topic: Im new, haveing trouble.  (Read 11210 times)


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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2008, 07:15:11 AM »
I have been married 15 years and there have been times when I have been a stinker. My husband has NEVER said he hates me. We have argued and disagreed, but he has never said he would hit me. He has been a stinker too, but I know he would never be mean.  Would you treat your husband the way he treats you? Would that make a person feel loved? Would you feel like a nice person?
Do you think you love him (as he is now) or the person you thought he was? Is this what you want for the rest of your life (and maybe worse) and for your children????
You sound like a very nice person and I am sure many would love to know you and really love you.
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2008, 08:32:49 AM »
Dear Sweet,
 The only way you could change the dynamics, I think, is to be very,very strong. If there were any hope, he would start treating you with respect. IF that does not happen, I would not expect that he ,ever ,will change.Please don't have kids with him, b/c then it is really, really hard to get out.
  Your "weakness" gets magnified 100 fold when you have dependent children ,who need you.
 My story has an unhappy ending, from which I speak.
Anyway, you are facing what is happening and that is the first step. Keep writing,so you can have "reality" checks from many people who have "been there".    Love  to you,  Ami

((((((((((Sweet lady))))))))))
« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 04:05:36 PM by Ami »
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2008, 10:51:01 AM »
This morning everything is fine like nothing happend, this is always how it is, and dont bring anything up.  How do you leave? Do you just pack and go, or talk about it? If I talk im going to end up staying! I cant seem to do this, although I want to and I know I should!!


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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2008, 11:12:18 AM »
You can't talk about it(IMO). It is up to YOU  at every stage, from thinking to action. At present, he is your enemy, not your friend, as bad as that sounds.Your leaving will be thwarted, if you tell him. Sorry it is SO hard,and I know it is, friend.    Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2008, 11:31:44 AM »
Hes always saying the word hate, it makes me so sad  and that he feels diffrently about me then he did when we were dateing, that he dosent respect me anymore. However in the next breath he loves me. Im not purefect I dont live up to his standards I feel so bad, I do love him though.

Remember...... when he's saying cruel things.... he's telling you how he really feels.

When he apologizes..... he's saying what he needs to in order to keep you hoping and wishing he'll go back to the way he was before hte marriage (which was roping you in time.)

He conned you into this relationship and now you're in love with the con..... with the person he pretended to be.  He was good enough, long enough that he can now do anything he likes and seemingly get away with it.

Or can he?

If you put self care boundaries in place, you won't allow this treatment any more.

When he chose you he began testing your boundaries.  One small violation lead to a larger violation and so forth.

If you look back you can probably see it clearly..... making excuses for his behavior and thinking your good intentions and grace could make everything OK.

Please, give him a boundary. 

"If you treat me that way again, I will know you don't want to have a relationship with me."

Then proceed to enforce it like a mama bear protecting her young.  Be your own mother/enforcer/protector and stop making excuses, wishing and hoping. 

Good luck.... I know how difficult this is.

Usually, we don't go until the pain of staying is worse than the pain of going.

People with healthier boundaries don't have to suffer that long....  and they feel entitled to decent treatment.

Why is it that you don't?  (((SL))) 


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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2008, 03:59:52 PM »
Just pack and go, Sweet Lady.

If you need help getting yourself to that point, seek out a domestic violence shelter hotline, call and talk to them.

It does not matter whether or not he has hit you.

Just tell them you need strength to get up the will to go, because there is emotional abuse and you don't want to live your life that way.

They'll know where to send you for support and strength.
When they tell you...


If they don't give you a practical answer, GO ANYWAY.

Keep your strength for YOU, not for him.
(Love will wane once you get some distance and recognize what you were accepting. Believe you deserve better. It's the truth.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2008, 06:47:51 PM »
We just talked it ended up and he was in my arms and I was rubbing his head. I told him I would go stay at my parents for a bit and he said no he didnt want me to bring them into it. He told me how sorry he was for getting up set, this was after getting even more upset earlyer today for a discussion on a coffie table where he almost took off and left the house again. He told me that he didnt want us to throw away our marriage, I sugessted councelling and he said no we need to work it out together, and we shouldnt throw away a  marriage. I was just going to walk out tommrow after he is gone to work, have someone come get me and when he is home find me and everything gone now i dont know if I should.


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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2008, 07:03:24 PM »

Hi SweetLady,

I usually don't enter discussions here involving marriage, divorce, romance, dating, etc.  It isn't a rule for me, it's just that I rarely feel I have much to add.  BUT - I want to add my voice to all the women here who are telling you to get out of the situation you are in.  Your man will keep abusing you and it will escalate. 

Be safe.



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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2008, 01:21:54 AM »
Hi Sweet,

Your not crazy he is just crazy making.  I have walked in your shoes.  I can promise you if you get away from him long enough you will be much happier and can make a decision more clear. 

Any reaction to what they do to us Bad or Good is just what they want Reaction.  I know mine felt some control over me either way I gave it.  Took me a long time to realize that. 

They want you to feel threatened anyway they can.  If they can't talk you into feeling like a nothing then they will sometimes threaten to beat you into it. And some do.  Mine did

Just when they get you down they will surely kick you just to pick you up dust you off give you some attention to knock you back down again.  It's all part of their Control Patrol. 

When I was going through it I felt like I was in a grey area.  I was not in and I was not out.   

Do you feel like that?

Trust me on this one.  Once you feel like your in they will make sure you feel and put you out.  Once you feel like your out and going to leave they will so000 make you feel like your in. Then rinse and repeat. 

Thats the crazy making part of it.

Hon, get out.

Living in a grey area is living in hell.  You don't need that.  You don't want that.  You don't deserve that.

We will try to ease the blow of the breakup if that is what you decide to do.

Meanwhile keep yourself safe.  No one deserves to be hit or threatened to be.




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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #24 on: March 03, 2008, 07:38:00 AM »
YES, you should go.
Pack and go.

Many, many abusive violent men collapse into little-boy mode and want to be held and stroked. It may be touching but it doesn't change anything. He has refused counseling, doesn't want your parents to know...

This is also part of the ordinary, standard, intractable pattern of the abuser. To isolate.

When you abuse a woman and try to confuse her about her own well-being (loving someone means you NEVER ask them to sacrifice their own well-being) -- you want to keep her isolated. Keep it all a secret. Make it seem like some big intimate passion, that you have these dramatic scenes, threats, violence or near-violence, and then cozy cuddly reunions.

All in secret.


Pack and go. This is a cycle that will just keep repeating and every time you get confused by sweetness, you sacrifice a little more of your life, let a little more of your self slip away.

Please, go. Today.

with love, and we'll be here Sweet Lady.
Until you're STRONG LADY.

You can do this and deep down, you know you must.
You will get through the transition, but not alone.
You need to join a support group for abused woman right now. It's an emergency.

love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2008, 04:02:38 PM »
sorry I havent wrote in a while so here is what is happend. We had one more explosion.  The next day he dropped me off at my parents as he always dose I had my mom take me over and pack, I was going to tell him when he called that I wanted to live sepreatly for a few days and think. When he called I melted and went home. At home I talked to him and told him how I felt, I wasnt happy, I wanted to spend more time with him, that I didnt feel I was nagging him you do not nag becuse your checking up on something.
             He told me he understood and he would go to therapy with me and I am going tommrow. That he gets upset so much becuse I nag and nag and that leads to explosion  he will work on that and it has just started exploding he normaly yells but the exploding I told him im worried will lead to more, he said no. He told me he is fustrated becuse he has to deal with work then come home to my nagging. I told him I would work on it I am not purfect.  He still holds things against me right after we were married he decided he wouldnt wear his wedding ring it hurt his finger to much, he never gave it a chance he would put it on play with it,  and when he got home take it off, on day he just threw it and said no more it hurts my finger. I got so upset becuse I love mine I wont take them off I was married in them. I wanted to try new ones together, so I would buy them and bring them home everyone he refused he finally liked one would wear one infront of me, I found out he was wearing it to work, putting it in the glove box and putting it on when he got home. He threw it out the window the other night when we were driveing home becuse he said I hurt him to much baduring him about it.
            After our talk  he woke the next morning and said I have decided the onlything I am ever at fault for is exploding and you know why I do this? Its becuse you nag me.  So I am at fault for everything else. When I approched him with this he told me I change things to make me look good he didnt say that Why would I do this?  I feel like im going crazy.  Just like I had some sugery and becuse they had to shave my head he told me he had a heard time with me becuse he wasnt attracted to me becuse of my hair. This made me so sad and he told me again he didnt say that. Am I crazy.  I dont know I want to stay and make it work. My family is pushing me to leave im not sure if that is makeing me want to stay worse? I dont know I just know that im fustrated


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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2008, 04:11:31 PM »
Dear Sweetlady,
 This is my opinion, based on experience,it will never get better,never,never, baring a miracle, a real one(lol). You have a family that loves you. That is s/thing special and a way to get out.
  Not only will it not get better,it will get worse, much worse. If you ever have kids with him, you will wish you got out before.You CAN get out now. Don't lose the opportunity(IMO)               Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2008, 04:29:17 PM »
I do have a family that loves me, two brothers-in-law and two brothers that want to kill him. I am worried I shouldnt have told my family the dont like him want him around. What if we do make it and are happy?  No one will forgive him, or will respect me. My one sister extreamly wont becuse she is divorced and remarried to a sweetheart. She was married to a horrible man that she stayed with for a few years, thankfully she didnt have any children. She keeps telling me that she wished that she would have opened up her mouth and talked to her family and they would have pushed her like she is trying to do to me, insted of keeping it a secret and liveing in misery.  Im not sure what to do, and im not sure if I made a mistake by telling I know im driveing myself and my family crazy, I dont want to do that. 
Its funny we will get into a big fight like the othernight he will flip out and the next day be fine. I think he is mad at me now for bringing all this up, if not he would have never said anything and we would have been happy until our next fight


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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2008, 05:12:13 PM »

Can you tell me 3 reasons what you love about him and how he makes you feel loved.  Just 3.  Can you tell me 1 reason why you are staying and 1 reason why you are not leaving.

These are the questions I had to ask myself. 

Even if the 1 reason is I'm not leaving because I'm scared.  That's a reason isn't it.  Then I had to work on what I was afraid of.

Mine was.  Afraid of being a failure which brought shame along with all the other reasons that kept me froze in my relationship.

Now that statement went both ways.  If I left I was a failure at my marriage and I felt ashamed that it didn't work and if I stayed I felt like a failure because of staying when I was so miserable and knew it was wrong and compromised my dignity as a person/woman/human which caused me more shame for betraying myself.

You have to ask yourself the real deep questions (which I so hated to do)

It's ok Sweet.  I had the same emotions, thoughts and family like it sounds you have.  It will be alright. 

I see really good things happening to you.  You just don't' realize it yet and the #1 I see is you are not keeping secrets.  You are on your way.   You keep talking.  When you start saying to yourself and your loved ones things are very wrong is when you are starting little by little to free yourself.  It just takes time and is a slow process. 

But please keep yourself safe and if you feel threatened in any manner then you need to speed up the process to immediately and LEAVE.



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Re: Im new, haveing trouble.
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2008, 01:45:08 PM »
We had a conversation lastnight and it went to  would you have married me if you wouldnt have recived a big ring? He feels im selfish, also he wouldnt have married me so soon if I didnt have problems with my epliepsy and was able to drive and didnt live with family. He wanted to live together so marrying me was the answer if I lived on my own we would probbly be engaged now. We got married after a year of dateing decided to take it slow so we waited a year then got engaged. We thought we were purfect for each other wanted the same things. He just said these things to be hurtful.
                  I think im staying becuse of money issues we just got a new house and are fixing it up, I dont want to be alone, and I feel bad for leaving him alone. I keep saying oh I will leave the next time we get in a fight and wont. My sister came over the other night and was going to stop me from going home I went anyway. I might feel as though my family is pressureing me to leave and thats why im not sure but Im going crazy. He still feels we are happy no matter how much we talk and say that we are not  we just get over it in his eyes. I dont know how to make him understand im not. Then after we talk he always tells me that I  say his words wrong just to make him look bad  why would I do that. Im fustrateing myself and everyone I want a good life for both of us. I dont know how to do this