Hi Laura,
It is time to move on. I read your “I take my leave” post and your other posts from yesterday. You can post for the remainder of the day (2/26/08) so that you can say anything else you want to say. It is clear to me that this is not the right forum for you.
You have a lot to say and you want to teach people. You might consider starting a blog or even starting your own forum. If you do either, don’t hesitate to email me, and I will let the Board know where you can be found.
I would ask people to no longer respond in an inflammatory way to you or your posts from this point on since you will have no way of defending yourself. I will delete all such posts. Also, at the end of the day, I will lock recent threads that you started so that no one can post anything inflammatory on them.
I know you have made good friends here, and I trust you will find a way to keep in contact with them. Thank you for your positive contributions here. As always, you have my best wishes,