Hi ReallyMe,
I don't know much of the history here with you, and quite sincerely have no pre-conceived opinions about you or CB at all. But I do know a little something about apologies and VIS.
Firstly RM, I hope you're okay, and hopefully you'll be okay with me sharing with you what I thought when I read your posts and apology on this thread.
To Dr G. It isn't my intention to inflame or criticise here, I just thought to share with RM and the others here how I viewed this thread. Maybe RM will be interested.
ReallyMe, quite openly, I didn't notice any type of apology that would have satisfied me if I were Dr G or CB.
I noticed what appeared to me to be a
serious series of criticisms, justifications, and (sorry for this one

) rants. Rants still specifically directed towards this CB. Some of your posting is also targetting the boardmembers in general, and maybe even Dr G. My immediate thoughts when reading your apology went like this, and it defintely is with no malice intended - just take it or leave it and I wish you well-BEing.
'It is typical of this board, that the members rally around the one who seems to be "picked on" even if that one was in the wrong at one point'.
But, we're all wrong at some point'This thread is my apology to CB' I apologize for what appeared to be my giving CB or anyone else a diagnosis of anything. I most likely should have said that I felt she was twisting things around so that I looked like I was aiming my post at her, when I was not doing so.
I couldn't accept this as an apology. 'I merely was trying to point out her covertly abusive behavior'
I also couldn't accept this in an apology.'I should not have been shocked at that. It is typical CB behavior, like when she ganged up on me in the past when the people from my past came on here blasting me. I'm sure they felt very relieved to have her company by their sides. that was just uncalled for and cruel as far as I'm concerned.'
I also couldn't accept this in an apology.'Can you not offer a man going to the gallows one last meal?'
On whom is she wanting to feed? I know this last one sounds odd and is probably inaccurate, but that's actually what I immediately thought at the time

Many genuine well wishes from me to you ReallyMe,